New Microsoft Windows Server Optimization Flat View Report

IT Asset Management version 2022 R1.2

Licensing Windows Server on virtual machines (VMs) can be very complex. There is no clear direction on how VMs deployed with a Windows Server Datacenter edition operating system must be licensed. Furthermore, VMs with no host (mainly due to vCenter import issues) show no consumption in IT Asset Management.

Using the exact same logic and inputs as the Windows Server Optimization report released in 2021 R1.4, this report addresses these complexities and challenges and provides a flat list of VM Hosts, hosted virtual machines and computers accompanied by the Optimal license and supplementary criteria information used to calculate it.

The aim of this report is to assist SAM Managers using Business Adapter Studio to perform a batch allocation of computers to their respective Optimal licenses.

For more details, see Microsoft Windows Server Optimization Flat View Report in the Online Help.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
