Licenses Issues Analysis Report
The new Licenses Issues Analysis report provides details on licenses and looks for potential issues.
Licenses are the “heart of the reactor” in IT Asset Management. They contain all the logic to calculate license consumptions for various license types. While it can be easy to create a license, a license is a sophisticated object that has many attributes and can be incorrectly configured. And incorrect license configurations can cause issues, such as product versions not being correctly monitored.
This report provides helpful data for transparency of the created licenses, such as covered products, other overlapping licenses, restriction details, when and by whom the license was lastly modified, and so on.
The report also checks inconsistencies that previously could take hours to identify, such as whether the license has downgrade rights, whether the license has inconsistent upgrade and downgrade rights across its covered products, whether the license covers applications that have high numbers of unlicensed installations, and so on.
For more details, see Licenses Issues Analysis Report in the Online Help.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)