Adopted: Services on UNIX

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
The installers for FlexNet Inventory Agent on UNIX-like platforms install two services which are automatically started after a successful installation and on every system boot. These services are:
  • ndtask — The agent's task launcher. This runs ndschedag which executes further command lines (for example, for ndtrack, ndupload) to perform the required actions.
  • mgsusageag — The usage tracking agent.
The services are managed using the operating-system-specific service management tools. For example, to start ndtask:
Platform Command

AIX (see note)

/usr/bin/startsrc -s ndtask


/etc/init.d/ndtask start

Mac OS X

/sbin/launchctl start com.flexerasoftware.ndtask


/etc/init.d/ndtask start

Similarly, to stop the ndtask service:
Platform Command


/usr/bin/stopsrc -s ndtask


/etc/init.d/ndtask stop

Mac OS X

/sbin/launchctl stop com.flexerasoftware.ndtask


/etc/init.d/ndtask stop

The mgsusageag service can be started and stopped in exactly the same way.
Note: For AIX, the agents are in a group called managesoft and can both be started using startsrc -g managesoft and stopped using stopsrc -g managesoft.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
