Prioritizing Inventory Beacons

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
A number of registry settings affect the way in which a target inventory device manages its failover list of inventory beacons. The first two are attached to each record of an upload or download location, and the others are generalized settings controlling the overall process:
  • AutoPriority determines whether this location can take part in the process of determining priorities (see AutoPriority). When AutoPriority is true, the target inventory device uses the approved algorithm(s) to determine the priority of this location at the time of upload or download. This is the recommended behavior, as it optimizes system performance over time, despite variations in network configuration. When AutoPriority is false, the value of the Priority registry key declares the inventory beacon’s fixed priority.
  • Priority may be manually set to a fixed value for use when AutoPriority is false (see Priority). (In the normal case, when AutoPriority is true, the value of Priority is calculated dynamically.)
  • SelectorAlgorithm specified which one (or more) of the available algorithm(s) the inventory device should use (and in what order the algorithms should be applied) when determining the prioritized failover list of inventory beacons (see SelectorAlgorithm).
  • HighestPriority and LowestPriority set the upper and lower bounds for the normalized range of priorities on which the inventory device settles. For example, the inventory device may initially calculate a set of values as 34, 96, 12, and 242. It then normalizes these figures to order them with the range set in HighestPriority and LowestPriority. For example, if these had the respective values of 1 and 5, the inventory beacons now receive the values 2, 3, 1, and 4 (in matching order). It is only the ordering, and not any measure of deviation, that matters in the selection process. (Normally, ignore these settings, but if you really need them, details are in HighestPriority and LowestPriority.)

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
