Compress (application usage component)

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Command line | Registry

Compress specifies whether or not application usage data files are compressed before being uploaded through your inventory beacon(s) to the administration server for inclusion, initially, in the inventory database:
  • When set to True, the usage component uses gzip to compress the application usage data file for upload, and the file name format is deviceName at timestamp.mmi.gz
  • When set to False, the file is left uncompressed, and the file name format is deviceName at timestamp.mmi.
In the file names:
  • deviceName is the computer name of the inventory device
  • timestamp is the date and time when the .mmi file was saved.
The files are saved:
  • On Windows devices, in C:\ProgramData\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\Uploads\UsageData
  • On UNIX-like devices, in /var/opt/managesoft/uploads/UsageData.
The files are removed after a successful upload.


Values / range

Boolean (true or false)

Default value


Example values


Command line


Application usage agent (mgsusageag)


-o Compress=False


Installed by

Installation of FlexNet Inventory Agent, or manual configuration

Computer preference

[Registry]\ManageSoft\Usage Agent\CurrentVersion

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
