
IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Command line | Registry

NetworkMaxRate sets the number of bytes per second at which the FlexNet tools attempt network transfers (noting that this is specified in bytes and not bits). This preference is not used if:
  • NetworkSpeed can be determined (for which NetworkSense must be True)
  • NetworkHighSpeed has a non-zero value.
In short, NetworkMaxRate sets the default bytes per second for network transfers, unless you modify several other default values in preferences.

The special (and default) value of zero means that the tools do not limit transfer rates, and will compete for the maximum available network bandwidth against all other network activity.

Use only the Common key to have all tools use the same values with convenient single-point maintenance.


Values / range

Numeric (bytes per second)

Default value

0 (unlimited)

Example values


Command line


Inventory component (ndtrack), upload component (ndupload)


-o NetworkMaxRate=64


Installed by

Installation of FlexNet Inventory Agent, or manual configuration

Computer preference

Each tool first checks its own registry entry; and if nothing is found there, next checks [Registry]\ManageSoft\Common. The tool-specific registries are:
  • [Registry]\ManageSoft\Configuration
  • [Registry]\ManageSoft\Tracker\CurrentVersion
  • [Registry]\ManageSoft\Uploader\CurrentVersion.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
