
IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Command line | Registry

Tip: This preference requires that the up-to-date InventorySettings.xml file is either:
  • Co-located with the FlexNet Inventory Scanner (or the scanner-like on UNIX-like platforms)
  • Correctly installed with the fully-installed FlexNet Inventory Agent.
Unless this condition is met, this preference is ignored.

The Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) audit scan collects additional content from the Oracle EBS tables being scanned. These additional table contents are incorporated into the archive, ready for submission when an audit is required.

By default, the tracker (ndtrack executable) assumes the value False for this preference, and therefore takes no related action. However, if an operator sets the Enable collection of Oracle EBS audit data check box located on the Inventory Settings page (Data Collection > IT Assets Inventory Tasks > Inventory Settings), the change is distributed through device policy to the locally-installed FlexNet Inventory Agent on all managed inventory devices. When the check box selection arrives through device policy, it is saved by setting this preference to True in the registry, as shown in the table below. Alternatively (as is typical for preferences), the preference may be set in the registry manually or through the use of a third-party registry management tool; or it may be set in the command line for the tracker.

Once PerformOracleEBSAuditScan is set to True (and its prerequisites are correctly set), the FlexNet Inventory Agent (version 22.0.0 or later) collects the inventory that Oracle requires for EBS audits. The collected inventory is included in an archived ndi file (such as $(MachineId) at DateTimeInISO8601 (EbsOracle).ndi.gz) for each inventory upload, and eventually imported into IT Asset Management through the standard processes.


Values / range

Boolean (True or False)

Default value

Tip: If the preference has not been set in the registry following the download of device policy, this default value is supplied by the tracker internally.

Example values


Command line


Inventory component (ndtrack )


-o PerformOracleEBSAuditScan=true


Installed by

  • Manual configuration (without which, code internals supply the default)
  • Download of device policy that sets the value to True.

Computer preference


IT Asset Management (Cloud)
