Kubernetes Inventory Uploads
The following data classes, each representing a particular Kubernetes resource type or other information about the cluster, are uploaded as part of the primary Kubernetes resource inventory in the k8s-inventory-clusterId-timestamp.ndi file.
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesKubeVirtVirtualMachine" Name="3249a671-2533-449a-9a7e-f933132824a8" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="ubuntu-bionic-1"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="3249a671-2533-449a-9a7e-f933132824a8"/>
<Property Name="NameSpace" Value="default"/>
<Property Name="Status" Value="Running"/>
<Property Name="KubeVirtSize" Value="small"/>
<Property Name="MachineType" Value="q35"/>
<Property Name="Arch" Value="amd64"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2024-04-12T05:46:38Z"/>
<Property Name="Image" Value="tedezed/ubuntu-container-disk:20.0"/>
<Property Name="OwnerName" Value="vm-pool-ubuntu"/>
<Property Name="OwnerUID" Value="16a5ff37-76c8-42e1-92a5-35b3b030beb4"/>
Field | Description |
The name of the vm |
Unique identifier for the vm |
The namespace in which the virtual machine is encapsulated |
Status of the virtual machine (Running, Stopped etc) |
Defines the amount of resources (CPU, memory) to allocate to the VM (tiny, small, large etc) |
QEMU machine type is the actual chipset |
Specifies the architecture of the vm |
Image is the name of the image with the embedded disk |
Name of the owner. (only present if started from a VM Pool) |
UID of the owner. (only present if started from a VM Pool) |
The time at which the vm was created |
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesKubeVirtVirtualMachineInstance" Name="eea34a97-6a62-4e90-b56e-ab1e334969e3" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="ubuntu-bionic-1"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="eea34a97-6a62-4e90-b56e-ab1e334969e3"/>
<Property Name="NameSpace" Value="default"/>
<Property Name="Arch" Value="amd64"/>
<Property Name="FirmwareUUID" Value="3044fb1e-223a-5afc-9101-7380b0ef5b12"/>
<Property Name="MachineType" Value="pc-q35-rhel9.2.0"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2024-04-12T05:47:05Z"/>
<Property Name="NodeName" Value="minikube-m02"/>
<Property Name="NodeUID" Value="d3bfd850-d730-4aa4-863f-00d1333516c8"/>
<Property Name="PodName" Value="virt-launcher-ubuntu-bionic-cmtdn"/>
<Property Name="PodUID" Value="0d9316d0-d98a-497b-85c3-ead63bfaee6e"/>
<Property Name="OwnerName" Value="ubuntu-bionic-1"/>
<Property Name="OwnerUID" Value="3249a671-2533-449a-9a7e-f933132824a8"/>
<Property Name="CpuCores" Value="1"/>
<Property Name="CpuSockets" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="CpuThreads" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="CpuModel" Value="host-model"/>
<Property Name="Image" Value="tedezed/ubuntu-container-disk:20.0"/>
<Property Name="IpAddress" Value=""/>
<Property Name="MacAddress" Value="46:31:09:92:63:b9"/>
Field | Description |
The name of vmi |
Unique identifier for the vmi |
The namespace in which the vmi is encapsulated |
Specifies the architecture of the vm |
Firmware UUID of the vm system |
QEMU machine type is the actual chipset |
Name of the node that the vmi is running on |
UID of the node that the vmi is running on |
Name of the pod that the vmi is running on |
UID of the pod that the vmi is running on |
Name of the owner (either a vm or vmi replica set) |
UID of the owner (either a vm or vmi replica set) |
Specifies the number of cores inside the vmi |
Specifies the number of sockets inside the vmi |
Specifies the number of threads inside the vmi |
Specifies the CPU model inside the vmi ("host-model" to get CPU closest to the node one) |
Image is the name of the image with the embedded disk |
IP address of a Virtual Machine interface |
Hardware address of a Virtual Machine interface |
The time at which the vmi was created |
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesKubeVirtVirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSet" Name="b5bba5c7-7e0f-490f-ab48-51f1e093342d" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="testreplicaset"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="b5bba5c7-7e0f-490f-ab48-51f1e093342d"/>
<Property Name="NameSpace" Value="default"/>
<Property Name="Replicas" Value="3"/>
<Property Name="ReadyReplicas" Value="3"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2024-04-12T08:31:07Z"/>
<Property Name="Image" Value="kubevirt/cirros-container-disk-demo:latest"/>
Field | Description |
The name of vmi replica set |
Unique identifier for the vmi replica set |
The namespace in which the vmi replica set is encapsulated |
Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment |
The number of ready replicas for this replica set |
Image is the name of the image with the embedded disk |
The time at which the vmi replica set was created |
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesKubeVirtVirtualMachinePool" Name="16a5ff37-76c8-42e1-92a5-35b3b030beb4" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="vm-pool-ubuntu"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="16a5ff37-76c8-42e1-92a5-35b3b030beb4"/>
<Property Name="NameSpace" Value="default"/>
<Property Name="Replicas" Value="2"/>
<Property Name="ReadyReplicas" Value="1"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2024-04-12T12:22:59Z"/>
<Property Name="Image" Value="tedezed/ubuntu-container-disk:20.0"/>
Field | Description |
The name of vm pool |
Unique identifier for the vm pool |
The namespace in which the vm pool is encapsulated |
Number of desired pods |
The number of ready replicas for this vm pool |
Image is the name of the image with the embedded disk |
The time at which the vm pool set was created |
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesOlmSubscription" Name="2ed7a22a-4bf3-4c8d-8f1d-394a1ff8af08" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="container-security-operator"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="2ed7a22a-4bf3-4c8d-8f1d-394a1ff8af08"/>
<Property Name="NameSpace" Value="openshift-operators"/>
<Property Name="CatalogSource" Value="redhat-operators"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2023-04-21T09:06:25Z"/>
<Property Name="InstalledCSV" Value="container-security-operatorv1.0.0"/>
Field | Description |
The descriptive name for the operator |
Unique identifier for the operator |
The name of an operator type used within the cluster |
The catalog source of the operator |
The time at which the operator was created |
The cluster service version of the installed operator |
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesCluster" Name="d8259158-fdfe-4ba3-ae28-be62a51df7f9" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="d8259158-fdfe-4ba3-ae28-be62a51df7f9"/>
<Property Name="ID" Value="d8259158-fdfe-4ba3-ae28-be62a51df7f9"/>
<Property Name="Version" Value="v1.21.2"/>
<Property Name="MajorVersion" Value="1"/>
<Property Name="MinorVersion" Value="21"/>
<Property Name="Platform" Value="linux/amd64"/>
<Property Name="BuildDate" Value="2021-06-16T12:53:14Z"/>
Field | Description |
A descriptive name for the cluster |
Unique identifier for the cluster |
The full version of Kubernetes |
The major version of Kubernetes |
The minor version of Kubernetes |
The operating system and CPU architecture for which the Kubernetes binaries were built |
The date the Kubernetes binaries were built |
Example:<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesNode" Name="f97a7706-2890-4ac7-96ab-6d9405d81d1e" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="foo.example.org"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="f97a7706-2890-4ac7-96ab-6d9405d81d1e"/>
<Property Name="ResourceVersion" Value="236788"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2021-07-26T17:19:36Z"/>
<Property Name="OS" Value="linux"/>
<Property Name="OSImage" Value="Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 410.84.202202251632-0 (Ootpa)"/>
<Property Name="Arch" Value="amd64"/>
<Property Name="MachineID" Value="da8ad26e83c04fb5a2700f0299824737"/>
<Property Name="KubeletVersion" Value="v1.21.2"/>
<Property Name="Runtime" Value="docker://20.10.6"/>
<Property Name="BootID" Value="0377939c-1adb-4ff6-afb3-fd71910719f6"/>
<Property Name="CPUs" Value="16"/>
<Property Name="MemoryBytes" Value="274530623488"/>
<Property Name="Roles" Value="control-plane,master,worker"/>
Field | Description |
The name of the node, typically the hostname of the underlying server |
Unique identifier for the node |
The cluster version at which the node was last modified |
The time at which the node was created |
The time at which the node was deleted |
The operating system of the node's underlying server |
The operating system installed on a Kubernetes worker node |
The CPU architecture of the node's underlying server |
A unique identifier passed through from the node's underlying server |
The version of the Kubernetes |
The container runtime used on the node |
An identifier generated by the operating system on each boot |
CPU capacity of the node as a number of cores |
Memory capacity of the node in bytes |
Identifies which of the nodes in a kubernetes cluster are worker nodes, control-plane or master |
in use within the cluster. Example (notice
that the first line has been wrapped for
presentation):<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesNamespace" Name="d8259158-fdfe-4ba3-ae28-be62a51df7f9"
Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="kube-system"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="d8259158-fdfe-4ba3-ae28-be62a51df7f9"/>
<Property Name="ResourceVersion" Value="26"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2021-07-26T17:19:36Z"/>
Field | Description |
The name of the namespace |
Unique identifier for the namespace |
The cluster version at which the namespace was last modified |
The time at which the namespace was created |
The time at which the namespace was deleted |
resource that is part of a chain of ownership
beginning with a Pod
. Contains the UID of its owner, if it has one.
Examples (notice that the first lines of each class have been wrapped for
presentation):<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesOwnerReference" Name="6b3b1428-572e-4cf8-aa6d-0672d5defc04"
Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="APIVersion" Value="apps/v1"/>
<Property Name="Kind" Value="ReplicaSet"/>
<Property Name="Name" Value="coredns-558bd4d5db"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="6b3b1428-572e-4cf8-aa6d-0672d5defc04"/>
<Property Name="Owner" Value="b5206863-bed7-477e-be40-be1031795c34"/>
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesOwnerReference" Name="b5206863-bed7-477e-be40-be1031795c34"
Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="APIVersion" Value="apps/v1"/>
<Property Name="Kind" Value="Deployment"/>
<Property Name="Name" Value="coredns"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="b5206863-bed7-477e-be40-be1031795c34"/>
Field | Description |
The API group and version of the resource's type |
The resource type |
The name of the resource |
Unique identifier for the resource |
The UID of the resource that owns this resource (property omitted when the owner is not known) |
. Example (notice that the first line has been
wrapped for
presentation):<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesPod" Name="5c5a521b-7d58-47ca-8983-536bc2ec8c75"
Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="coredns-558bd4d5db-4w2sc"/>
<Property Name="Namespace" Value="kube-system"/>
<Property Name="UID" Value="5c5a521b-7d58-47ca-8983-536bc2ec8c75"/>
<Property Name="Created" Value="2021-07-26T17:19:52Z"/>
<Property Name="ResourceVersion" Value="465"/>
<Property Name="Node" Value="f97a7706-2890-4ac7-96ab-6d9405d81d1e"/>
<Property Name="ServiceAccount" Value="coredns"/>
<Property Name="Phase" Value="Running"/>
<Property Name="Started" Value="2021-07-26T17:19:52Z"/>
<Property Name="Owner" Value="6b3b1428-572e-4cf8-aa6d-0672d5defc04"/>
Field | Description |
The name of the pod |
The namespace in which the pod is encapsulated |
Unique identifier for the pod |
The time at which the pod was created |
The time at which the pod was deleted |
The cluster version in which the pod was last modified |
The UID of the node on which the pod is scheduled |
The service account under which the pod is running |
The runtime state of the pod |
The time at which the pod was started |
The UID of the resource that owns the pod |
The value of the |
The value of the |
The value of the |
The value of the |
The value of the |
The value of the |
The value of the |
. You can identify its
using the PodUID
field. <Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesContainer"
Name="kube-system/coredns-558bd4d5db-4w2sc/coredns" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="Name" Value="coredns"/>
<Property Name="ImageTag" Value="k8s.gcr.io/coredns/coredns:v1.8.0"/>
<Property Name="PodUID" Value="5c5a521b-7d58-47ca-8983-536bc2ec8c75"/>
<Property Name="Entrypoint" Value=""/>
<Property Name="Cmd" Value="-conf /etc/coredns/Corefile"/>
<Property Name="ImageID"
<Property Name="RestartCount" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="Status" Value="running"/>
<Property Name="LastStarted" Value="2021-07-26T17:19:54Z"/>
Field | Description |
The name of the container |
The name or |
The UID of the pod to which this container belongs |
The executable the container should run (not always set, as it may be defined in the container image) |
The arguments to the executable that the container runs (not always set) |
A Boolean that is true if the container is an |
The CPU resource limit, if one is set, in fractional cores |
The unique ID of the container image |
The number of times the container has been restarted |
The runtime state of the container |
The reason the container is in the reported state, if present |
The time at which the container entered the running state |
The time at which the container entered the terminated state |
The exit code of the application if the container has terminated |
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesImage"
Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="ID"
<Property Name="Names"
<Property Name="SizeBytes" Value="42454755"/>
<Property Name="ClusterInstalled" Value="2021-07-30T13:03:42.323598116Z"/>
Field | Description |
The unique ID of the image |
A comma-separated list of names or |
The size of the image in bytes |
The time at which the image was first observed to be installed on any node in the cluster |
The time at which the image was observed to no longer be installed on any node in the cluster |
<Hardware Class="MGS_KubernetesImageInstallation"
f97a7706-2890-4ac7-96ab-6d9405d81d1e" Evidence="OS API">
<Property Name="ImageID"
<Property Name="Node" Value="f97a7706-2890-4ac7-96ab-6d9405d81d1e"/>
<Property Name="Installed" Value="2021-07-30T13:03:42.323598116Z"/>
Field | Description |
The unique ID of the image |
The UID of the node on which the image is installed |
The time at which the image was first observed to be installed on the node |
The time at which the image was observed to be absent from the node |
IT Asset Management (Cloud)