For information about choosing which patterns to use, see Optional Patterns. For further
details about each of the patterns, and modifying their behavior, see Appendix A: Details of Patterns. All these patterns are contained
in a single template (Flexera.FNMP.InventoryRawData.tpl), which
must be installed first. Thereafter, individual patterns can be enabled, disabled, and
Log in to the BMC Discovery interface, and select the
Discovery tab.
Select the Knowledge Management button in ADDM version 10,
or BMC Discovery version 11 or later (in earlier versions of ADDM, select the
Pattern Management button).
Figure: The workspace in ADDM 10
Click on Upload (or in earlier versions, Upload
New Package).
Figure: Choose the file from your unzipped archive
Click on Choose File, and:
If you are using the adapter, in your unzipped archive of the adapter,
select the FlexNet Manager Platform\Installers\BMC Atrium Discovery
and Dependency Mapping
Tools\patterns\Flexera.FNMP.InventoryRawData.tpl file.
If you are using the connector, on the inventory beacon navigate
to C:\ProgramData\Flexera
Discovery\, unzip that archive, and select the
Flexera.FNMP.InventoryRawData.tpl file.
If you are using ADDM version 8:
Optionally modify (or accept) the default name of
the package as Flexera.FNMP.InventoryRawData.
Optionally, set the description to something you will find
helpful, such as FNMP export patterns.
Click Upload (or in earlier versions, Upload
& Activate).
Ensure that the message The Requested Changes
were Successful is displayed. The Flexera.FNMP.InventoryRawData pattern
is now in the Active state. For further
fine tuning, jump ahead to step 4 in the following procedure.
Tip: For releases of BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping up to and
including 11.0, if you are using data imported through the BMC Discovery adapter to
manage points-based licenses for IBM and Oracle, there is an additional optional pattern
that collect further details about processors available on request from Flexera. Notice that for BMC Discovery release 11.1 or later, the
additional pattern is deprecated. BMC Discovery 11.1 (and later) has improved processor
information collection which makes this additional pattern unnecessary.