Imported Computers (Inventory Devices)

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The ImportedComputer table is a staging table used for input of inventory device records. From here, de-duplicated and normalized records are merged into the ComplianceComputer table.

There are two listings below. The first maps what is imported from Data Platform v5. The second lists values that IT Asset Management expects to load into the ImportedComputer table, that are not available from Data Platform v5, and the impact of these gaps on license reconciliation calculations where these rely on data from only this source.

Data mapping for imported inventory devices

The following listing matches the source data from Data Platform v5 with the equivalent column in the ImportedComputer table. Other columns from the ImportedComputer table cannot be populated from Data Platform v5, and so are omitted here (and shown below). For more details on the database tables and columns within IT Asset Management, please see IT Asset Management Schema Reference.

Data Platform (Table)/Column FNMS (Table)/Column Notes

Fabricated from:


(MATCH_TASK_DET) / TASK_NAME and the checksum for the same


(ImportedComputer) / ExternalID
The format is of this form (shown with nonsense values):

An external ID is fabricated from the various details shown (truncated as required and joined with various separator characters). This is then mapped through the ImportedStringMapping table to convert string IDs to integer IDs.

(MATCH_HOST_OS) / HOSTNAME (ImportedComputer) / ComputerName
The name of the computer.
  • In Windows, this is the NetBIOS name of the local computer, as returned by GetComputerName()
  • For UNIX-like platforms, it is the host name of the machine, as returned by gethostname(2).
(MATCH_HOST_OS) / DOMAIN (ImportedComputer) / Domain
The domain reported by the computer.
Note: Data Platform exports a domain flat name, while the ImportedComputer table handles either a flat or DNS domain name, but the DNS domain name is preferred. Watch out for possible problems merging device records obtained from multiple inventory sources.
(MATCH_HOST_OS) / DISOVERED_OS_NAME (ImportedComputer) / OperatingSystem

The operating system of the computer.

(MATCH_HOST_OS) / DISOVERED_OS_PATCH_LEVEL (ImportedComputer) / ServicePack

The service pack installed for the operating system.

(MATCH_HOST_OS) / CALC_NUM_OF_PHYSICAL_CPUS (ImportedComputer) / NumberOfProcessors

The number of processors in the computer.

(MATCH_HOST_OS) / DISC_CPU_MODEL (ImportedComputer) / ProcessorType

The type of processor in the computer.

(MATCH_HOST_OS) / DISC_SPEED_MHZ (ImportedComputer) / MaxClockSpeed

The maximum clock speed of the fastest processor in the computer.

(MATCH_HOST_OS) / CALC_NUM_OF_CORES (ImportedComputer) / NumberOfCores
The number of cores in the computer.
Note: Currently Data Platform gets an incorrect result from virtual machines (defect repair estimate 1Q2018). This affects the consumption calculations for all license types that use cores as a metric (most of these assume 1 core per processor when the number of cores is not available):
  • Device (Core-Limited)
  • Core Points
  • Microsoft Server Core
  • Microsoft Server/Management Core
  • Oracle Processor.
(DISC_ALL_OS) / TOTALMEMORY (ImportedComputer) / TotalMemory

The total RAM in the computer, in bytes.

The type of case of the computer. Some license types use this information to optimize the licensing position, particularly with desktop and laptop computers. Types used in Data Platform are mapped to types in IT Asset Management as follows:
Data Platform FNMS
Empty Unknown
Handhelds Tablet
Notebooks Laptop
Mainframes Main System Chassis
Servers Rack Mount Chassis
All others Desktop
(DISC_HDDS) / The count of entries for this device (ImportedComputer) / NumberOfHardDrives
The number of hard drives in the computer.
Note: Collected into Data Platform only by a legacy extractor or custom extractor. IT Asset Management imports it where it is available.
The total size of all hard drives in the computer. The results differ for inventory collected from Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (previously Microsoft SCCM) directly by IT Asset Management, or indirectly through Data Platform v5:
  • The FlexNet connection imports the physical disk space (DISK_DATA)
  • Data Platform imports the logical hard drive space (v_GS_Logical_DISK).
(DISC_NICs) / The count of entries for this device (ImportedComputer) / NumberOfNetworkCards

The number of network cards in the computer.

(DISC_MONITORS) / The count of entries for this device (ImportedComputer) / NumberOfDisplayAdapters
The number of graphics cards in the computer.
Note: Collected into Data Platform only by a legacy extractor or custom extractor. IT Asset Management imports it where it is available.
(DISC_NICs) / IP_ADDRESS (ImportedComputer) / IPAddress

The IP address of the computer.

(DISC_NICs) / MACADDRESS (ImportedComputer) / MACAddress

The MAC address of the computer.



(ImportedComputer) / Manufacturer

The manufacturer of the computer hardware. Some examples include:

  • On Windows, the SMBios manufacturer (the WMI Manufacturer property of the ‘Win32_ComputerSystem’ class).
  • On Linux, ‘Manufacturer’ in the ‘System Information’ section resulting from the ‘dmidecode’ command. Sample command: ‘dmidecode -s system-manufacturer’
  • On Solaris x86, as for Linux, with failovers first to ‘sysinfo SI_HW_PROVIDER’ and then to ‘ModelNo’.
  • On Solaris SPARC, the ‘sysinfo SI_HW_PROVIDER’. Typically this value is ‘Sun_Microsystems’ or, more recently, ‘Oracle Corporation’. Failover to the ‘ModelNo’.
  • On HP-UX, the string literal ‘HP’.
  • On AIX, the ‘modelname’ system attribute preceding the comma character. For example, if the ‘modelname’ system attribute is ‘IBM,8202-E4B’, then use ‘IBM’. This value is typically ‘IBM’.


(ImportedComputer) / ModelNo

The model of the computer hardware or the virtual machine. This value is defined for the context of the current execution environment, rather than the physical server that may be hosting a virtual machine or partition. For examples across operating systems, see the schema documentation.



(ImportedComputer) / SerialNo

The hardware serial number of the computer. The goal of this value is to be tied to the physical hardware, partition or virtual machine and to be as unique as possible across all computers in the organization. This is due to its use in tracking computers, particularly after an operating system rebuild. This value is also used to socialize computer inventory from different inventory sources, and is used to map virtual machine guest operating system inventory to the VM host on which the virtual machine is running.

(DISC_HOSTS_USERLOGON) / DOMAIN_USERNAME (ImportedComputer) / LastLoggedOnUser

The DOMAIN\SAMAccountName of the user last logged onto the computer. Data Platform uses the flat domain name.

(DISC_ALL_OS) / ScanDate (ImportedComputer) / InventoryDate

The date the computer last had inventory reported.

Hard-coded value Data Platform (ImportedComputer) / InventoryAgent

The name of the person or tool that performed the last inventory.

(MATCH_HOST_CPU) / DISC_NUM_OF_SOCKETS (ImportedComputer) / NumberOfSockets
The number of sockets in the computer.
Tip: Data Platform supplies this value from Technopedia. Other inventory sources supported by IT Asset Management cannot gather this value from inventory; and in general, for compliance calculations where the number of sockets is not available in inventory, the value is approximated by using the number of processors (which is satisfactory when there are no empty sockets in the inventory device). In devices that have any empty sockets, non-blank information from Technopedia is superior. Notice that certain Oracle license types (such as Oracle Database Standard Edition) have a restriction on the number of sockets on the host server.
(MATCH_HOST_CPU) / CALC_NUM_OF_LOGICAL_CPUS (ImportedComputer) / NumberOfLogicalProcessors
The number of logical processors in the computer.
Note: Currently Data Platform gets an incorrect result from virtual machines (defect repair estimate 1Q2018). This affects the consumption calculations for all license types that use processors as a metric:
  • Device (Processor-Limited)
  • Microsoft Server Processor
  • Processor
  • Processor Points.

Data not imported from Data Platform v5

These columns in the ImportedComputer table cannot be populated by inventory imports from Data Platform v5. The majority of these missing data points do not impact license compliance calculations (these are listed here without comment). Those that do have an impact are noted below. For further details about these columns, please see the schema reference.
  • HardwareInventoryDate
  • ServicesInventoryDate
  • ComplianceConnectionID — internally generated
  • ComplianceComputerID — internally generated
  • ComplianceDomainID — internally generated
  • IncompleteRecord — This is always set to zero for imports from Data Platform (that is, the imported record is regarded as 'sufficient' for its normal use in license compliance calculations, subject to the known limitations described in these pages).
  • PartialNumberOfProcessors — Absence of this value prevents subcapacity license consumption calculations for IBM PVU and Oracle Processor licenses.
  • UntrustedSerialNo
  • FullDetailsFromExternalID
  • FullDetailsFromComplianceConnectionID
  • ComplianceComputerTypeID — This is the foreign key to the ComplianceComputerType table, identifying whether the device is a VM, a VM host, and so on. Compliance impact: Prevents (unrecognized) VDI templates consuming from a license. Prevents (unrecognized) VMs from observing license rules that require (or disallow) consumption by VMs.
  • ILMTAgentID — For imports from ILMT, identifies the device as a candidate for subcapacity calculations on any related IBM PVU license(s). Compliance impact: Device consumption may be at full capacity, and calculated only when a full inventory import and compliance calculation is run (typically, once daily).
  • FNMPComputerUID
  • HostIdentifyingNumber — Useful for matching records from different sources, but no direct effect on compliance calculations.
  • HostType — Useful for matching records from different sources, but no direct effect on compliance calculations.
  • IsRemoteACLDevice
  • IsDuplicate
  • LegacySerialNo
  • UUID
  • IMEI
  • PhoneNumber (for mobile devices)
  • EmailAddress (for mobile devices)
  • CalculatedUser — Typically, calculated by IT Asset Management as the most frequent user in the last ten log-on records. Data Platform v5 only reports this last logged on user name (LastLoggedOnUser); but this is sufficient.
  • LastSuccessfulInventoryDate
  • MDScheduleGeneratedDate
  • MDScheduleContainsPVUScan
  • FirmwareSerialNumber
  • MachineID
  • IgnoredDueToLicense.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
