Configuring the Data Platform Connector

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Configuring the Data Platform connector is a one-time task, and quite straight-forward. Thereafter, the imports continue at the intervals you schedule. Have ready your connection details for the Normalize v5 database.

To configure the Data Platform connector:

  1. To minimize the risk of duplicate records when you have imports from multiple inventory sources, ensure you have completed Active Directory imports from all your domains.
    For more details, refer back to Integration with Data Platform v5. For guidance about Active Directory imports, see IT Asset Management Help > Inventory Beacons > Active Directory Page.
  2. If necessary, apply for your updated Data Platform license to enable integration with IT Asset Management, by contacting your Flexera Support consultant.
    This updated license is available free of charge to existing customers who have implemented Data Platform. It authorizes additional functionality and a new data pack. If you are unsure whether you already have this updated license, there are two ways you may check:
    • You can send a question to Data Platform Support
    • You can run the following SQL statement against your Normalize v5 database:
      Select IS_SUBSCRIBED from BDNA_CP where CP_NAME = ‘Technopedia Flexera Mapping’
      If the result returns Y, your Data Platform instance includes the license term, and you may skip ahead to step 4. If it returns N, you need to apply for the license update.
  3. When you receive the updated activation key:
    1. In BDNA Admin, navigate to the Preferences page.
    2. Enure that the Registration tab is selected (top left).
    3. Delete the current contents of the Activation Key field.
    4. Copy the key in full from the email you received, and paste it into the Activation Key field.
    5. Click Register New Key.
  4. Download the new data pack:
    1. Navigate to the Technopedia page in BDNA Admin.
    2. Click Start Catalog Sync, and wait for the data pack to download.
  5. Ensure that the Data Platform connector is in place in your IT Asset Management implementation.
    You can check whether the Data Platform connector is already in place by inspecting any inventory beacon. In each case, open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\ImportProcedures\Inventory\Reader. If you find a folder there called Data Platform v5, your connector is already in place, and you may skip ahead to the next major step. If not, wait until the connector is released through the central application server, after which the connector on your inventory beacons is updated automatically, and you can resume this process.
    1. Access
    2. In that article, click Adapter Tools for FlexNet Manager Suite - Cloud Edition.
      A new browser tab may appear temporarily, and the download of Adapter Tools for IT Asset Management 2024 commences.
    3. In your browser dialog, choose to save the file, and if the browser allows it, direct the saved file to a convenient working location (such as C:\temp on a central, accessible server).
      If your browser saves the file to a default location (such as your Downloads folder), move or copy it to the appropriate working location when the download is finished.
  6. Ensure that you have your preferred schedule for imports from Data Platform set on the appropriate inventory beacon:
    1. Log into the inventory beacon interface as an administrator (for example, in the Windows Start menu, search for FlexNet Beacon, right-click it, and select Run as administrator).
      Tip: Remember that you must run the inventory beacon software with administrator privileges.
    2. From the Data collection group in the navigation bar, choose Scheduling.
    3. If there is not already a suitable schedule in the list, click New... and complete the details (see the online help for that page for more information). Otherwise, identify the schedule you will use.
  7. Define the connection to your Data Platform implementation:
    1. Select the Inventory systems page (in the same group), and then click New....
      If you used the down arrow on the split button, use only the SQL Server option.
    2. Complete the details, using a name that is distinct within the first few characters so that it is recognizable in a narrow column.
      Important: Take care that:
      • The Source Type is Data Platform v5
      • You provide the connection details for your Normalize database (not the Technopedia one).
      See the help for this page for more details. When you are done, click Save.
  8. Select your new connection from the displayed list, and click Schedule....
  9. In the dialog that appears, select the name of your chosen schedule for inventory collection through this connection, and click OK.
  10. At the bottom of the FlexNet Beacon interface, click Save, and if you are done, also click Exit.
    Tip: Consider whether you want to select your connection, and click Execute Now, before you exit.
The connection is now configured, and imports data from Data Platform on your chosen schedule. Shortly after each import is completed, the inventory beacon automatically uploads the resulting inventory to the central application server. After the next full import and compliance calculation (typically scheduled overnight), the inventory is visible in the web interface of IT Asset Management.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
