Configuring Upload and Import Connection

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

With data arriving in the staging database, it's time to configure its upload to the central application server for IT Asset Management, followed by its import to the compliance database. This process is configured on, and managed by, an inventory beacon.

To configure the connection for upload from the staging database:

  1. Run the inventory beacon interface (for example, in the Windows Start menu, search for FlexNet Beacon, right-click it, and select Run as administrator).
    Tip: Remember that you must run the inventory beacon software with administrator privileges.
  2. Open the Inventory systems page.
  3. Expand the pull-down beside the New... button below the list, and choose SQL Server.
    The Create SQL Source Connection dialog appears.
  4. Complete the details to define the connection to the staging database:
    1. Create a distinctive Connection Name that is easily recognized in the list of connections (even when the columns are narrow).
      For example: HPDDMI Staging.
    2. For Source Type, you must choose HP Discovery and Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMI).
    3. Provide the host name or IP address (in IPv4 format) for the Server hosting the staging database.
    4. Choose the Authentication method that the BeaconEngine process should use to connect to the database:
      • If you select Windows Authentication, ensure that the service account that runs the BeaconEngine process on this inventory beacon has (as a minimum) read access to the staging database.
      • With either of the remaining two options, specify the Username and Password in the next two fields. Of course, validate that the nominated account has (as a minimum) read access to the staging database.
    5. Use the Test connection button to validate that you have specified the details correctly, and adjust if necessary.
    6. For the Overlapping Inventory Filter, accept the default Import the inventory from this source for possible merging selection (unless you are in the process of migrating inventory collection away from HP DDMI, in which case see the online help for the Inventory systems page).
    7. Click Save to close this dialog and add your new connection to the list in the Inventory systems page.
  5. If you do not already have a suitable schedule for this connection available on this inventory beacon, select the Scheduling page, and click New... to open the Edit Schedule dialog and define one.
  6. Back on the Inventory systems page, select the new connection in the list, and click Schedule... to select your appropriate schedule in the Select schedule dialog. Click OK to confirm your selection.
  7. In the main FlexNet Beacon interface, click Save to store your newly scheduled connection.
  8. If you have already run the agent to populate your staging database, you may test the new connection by keeping it selected in the list, and clicking Execute Now.
    The upload, the resulting import (which follows immediately), and the subsequent license compliance calculation may take some time to complete. You may monitor progress in the web interface for IT Asset Managementgo to the System Tasks page (Data Collection > IT Assets Inventory Status > System Tasks), and see the online help for that page. When the process is complete, you can inspect the inventory imported from HP DDMI in the All Inventory page.
    Tip: In the All Inventory page:
    1. Add the Connection name to the listing from the column chooser
    2. Display the simple filter bar
    3. Filter for the name you have your HP DDMI connection (the suggestion was HPDDMI Staging).

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
