Disconnected Mode

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Whenever there is a network discontinuity between the source and target databases, your inventory adapter must function in disconnected mode.

Using IT Asset Management as a cloud service (software as a service, or SaaS), you have access only to your inventory beacon(s), with no direct access to the central operations database. This means your custom inventory adapters always run in disconnected mode.

However, factory-supplied inventory adapters may have some steps that are designed for on-premises implementations that may access a central operations database. Such steps, designed for connected mode, cannot run in disconnected mode (and are automatically skipped when the inventory adapter runs on an inventory beacon). For that reason, factory-supplied adapters may have alternate steps that run only when the inventory adapter runs on your inventory beacon, in disconnected mode. Such steps are differentiated by having the Disconnected check box set.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
