Structure of Templates for Inventory Adapters

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Templates are provided for inventory adapters, to speed your development effort.

The adapter templates shipped with the Inventory Adapter Studio use the adapter structure as follows:

  • Temporary database tables are set up on the source and IT Asset Management databases.
  • Sample queries are written in Source to Target steps. These write to the temporary tables already created.
  • To make each query as easy to write as possible, the minimum number of columns is sent in each query. This also documents the minimum requirements for importing the inventory source.
  • Areas of the query that require change are enclosed with curly brackets, colored red, and underlined: {Replace this text}.
  • As many of the other steps as possible are already completed. They rely on the fact that data has been transferred in the Source to Target steps.

Each step in the templates has comments describing the updates that need to occur. Optional fields are identified, and the adapter will still work if the optional fields are not provided.

At the end of each procedure there is a lot of provided code that performs a differential update into the Imported database tables in the IT Asset Management database. It is recommended that you do not change this code for your adapter. There may be special cases where this is required, but an error will prevent any data from being imported into IT Asset Management.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
