Inventory Object: ClientAccessEvidence

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

ClientAccessEvidence objects are uploaded to the ImportedClientAccessEvidence table in the operations (inventory) database. Multiple imports will merge updated data with existing records, and add new records as applicable.

The ImportedClientAccessEvidence table holds all of the client access evidence which has been retrieved from the source connections.

Attributes are listed here in alphabetical order.

Property Attributes Notes
Edition Alpha-numeric text (maximum 50 characters). May be null.

The edition of the installed product.

ExternalAccess EvidenceID Unsigned integer (bigint). Mandatory. Database key.

The identifier of the client access evidence.

ProductName Alpha-numeric text (maximum 256 characters). May be null.

The name of the product being accessed by user or computer. This may include version and edition too.

UALRoleGUID A universally unique identifier. May be null.

The UAL role GUID of the product being accessed by user or computer. This is used when retrieve data using UAL.

UALRoleName Alpha-numeric text (maximum 256 characters). May be null.

The UAL role name of the product being accessed by user or computer. This is used when retrieve data using UAL.

Version Alpha-numeric text (maximum 72 characters). May be null.

The version of the installed product.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
