Inventory Object: VMPool

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

VMPool objects are uploaded to the ImportedVMPool table in the operations (inventory) database. Multiple imports will merge updated data with existing records, and add new records as applicable.

The ImportedVMPool table holds all of the virtual machine pools which have been retrieved from the source connections and the number of processors and cores that are assigned to each pool.

Attributes are listed here in alphabetical order.

Property Attributes Notes
HostComputerID Unsigned integer (bigint). Mandatory. Database key.

The identifier used in the source connection for the computer which is hosting the pool.

Note: Strictly, this attribute may be null, because it forms part of a compound database key. However, null values may cause import errors (where this object does not get imported), and multiple records from the same connection having nulls may cause data loss through over-writing. It is therefore best practice to treat this field as mandatory.
NumberOfCores Fractional number (float). May be null.

The number of cores available to this pool.

NumberOfProcessors Fractional number (float). May be null.

The number of processors available to this pool.

ObjectType Alpha-numeric text (maximum 256 characters). Mandatory. Database key.

The type of pool.

Note: Strictly, this attribute may be null, because it forms part of a compound database key. However, null values may cause import errors (where this object does not get imported), and multiple records from the same connection having nulls may cause data loss through over-writing. It is therefore best practice to treat this field as mandatory.
ParentName Alpha-numeric text (maximum 100 characters). May be null.

The name of the parent pool. This is the PoolName property for the parent pool.

ParentObjectType Alpha-numeric text (maximum 256 characters). May be null.

The type of pool of the parent.

PoolFriendlyName Alpha-numeric text (maximum 256 characters). May be null.

The friendly name of the pool.

PoolName Alpha-numeric text (maximum 100 characters). Mandatory. Database key.

The name of the pool.

Note: Strictly, this attribute may be null, because it forms part of a compound database key. However, null values may cause import errors (where this object does not get imported), and multiple records from the same connection having nulls may cause data loss through over-writing. It is therefore best practice to treat this field as mandatory.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
