Diagnosing Writers for Your Adapter
IT Asset Management
The simplest way to validate that your data is being imported all the way into the operations database is to inspect the results in the web interface.
To diagnose writers for your adapter:
To ensure the archived package is uploaded to the operations server, publish
your adapter (by turning off the Test setting), and run a
Full Import. Wait until the resulting upload is
Each full import triggers an upload, and there is a 'catch-up' scheduled upload to retry any failures scheduled overnight.
To ensure that the uploaded data is processed from the staging tables into the
operations database, do either of the following:
- Wait until the next scheduled inventory import. By default, the inventory import and recalculation is triggered overnight.
- Trigger an inventory import/recalculation now. Be aware that this processes all current data, and is not restricted to your new inventory import. As a result, it may take some time (hours, for a large computer estate). Use the following steps:
In your compliance browser, go to the Reconcile page
(Data Collection > Process Data > Reconcile).
Restriction: You must be in a role with administrator rights to be able to include your new inventory import in the reconciliation you run manually.
Select the Update inventory for reconciliation
check box.
This setting ensures that uploaded content is incorporated into the operations database and used for the compliance recalculation. Wait for the import and reconciliation to succeed (monitor the Last successful reconcile display on the right of the title bar, refreshing your browser page as necessary).
When the reconciliation is complete, examine your imported information, for
example in the following locations:
- The All Inventory page (Inventory > Inventory > All Inventory) shows you all the computers that are being imported, as well as the hardware properties that you have set (remember to check the column chooser). Consider filtering by Created date to isolate your new imports.
- The All IT Asset Users page (Organization > All IT Asset Users) shows all the users you have imported and the attributes that have been set.
- The All Evidence page (Applications & Evidence > Evidence > All Evidence) has separate tabs to show the installation evidence, file evidence, and access evidence (for application virtualization) that was imported.
- The All Applications page
(Applications & Evidence > Applications > All Applications) shows all the application installations
identified as a result of the evidence import. If your inventory revealed an
application for the first time, check for a status of
Unmanaged.Note: If imported evidence did not match any existing application rules, the application does not show in any application list. It will appear only when the Application Recognition Library is updated with new rules incorporating your new evidence.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)