To Diagnose Readers for Your Adapter

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
Because the inventory adapter is running on your inventory beacon, you can only inspect the uploadable package to validate reader operations.

Follow this procedure using a plain text or XML editor of your choice on the inventory beacon.

To diagnose readers for your adapter:

  1. Locate the uploadable package that the adapter has saved on the inventory beacon.
    By default, this is located in C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Beacon\IntermediateData (if this location is not in use, check the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Beacon\CurrentVersion\BaseDirectory, and append IntermediateData to the value found there). In test mode, your adapter creates a folder here named for your connection name. (Once this adapter is in production, this folder is replaced by a zipped archive named with the connection name plus 14 digits representing the date/time when the file was zipped.)
  2. Examine the files in the folder. Each contains:
    • A version identifier - you cannot alter this by modifying your adapter (and should never edit this file in production).
    • A package manifest packge.xml — likewise, not configurable through your adapter, and do not edit in production.
    • An XML file containing your inventory information.
  3. Review the contents of this XML inventory file to validate that the dataset is as expected.
    Within this file the meta element defines the destination database object, and the attributes represented in each logical column of data. Thereafter, each row contains the data in the matching columns.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
