IT Asset Management
Before rules can take effect, inventory beacons must know their
It is a requirement for an operational system that your subnets are assigned to
appropriate inventory beacons. This summary covers only making
adjustment for the collection of Oracle inventory.
To assign subsets to an inventory beacon:
Go to the All Subnets page
This page is populated with the sites and subnets in your enterprise after you
have completed an import from Active Directory (for details, consult IT Asset Management Help > Inventory Beacons > Active Directory Page > Importing from Active Directory).
Expand the appropriate site(s), using the + expander
icon, until you can see the subnet that includes your Oracle Database
Tip: If the subnet does not yet appear in the listing, you can add
its details manually. In the row for the appropriate site, click the
+ sign on the right-hand end, and enter the
subnet IP address in the new row that appears.
If the Beacon name column shows
Unspecified, click the editing (pencil) icon at
the right-hand end of this row.
The row becomes editable. Beware of accidentally over-writing the IP
address, which initially has focus.
In the Beacon name column, use the drop-down list to
choose the appropriate inventory beacon from the list of those
registered so far; and click the blue disk icon on the right to save your
Your chosen inventory beacon is now authorized to work in the subnet
that contains your Oracle Database servers. Now continue and create a rule that dictates
what should happen within that subnet.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)