Creating a ServiceNow Integration User

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

This simple process sets up the user account used for integration between Service Now and IT Asset Management, and assigns the user to the appropriate role. Complete this task while you are still logged into ServiceNow as an administrator.

To create the user account in ServiceNow:

  1. In ServiceNow, go to User Administration > Users.
  2. Click New, complete the properties for your new user, and click Submit.
    Tip: Take note of the user ID and password, which you will need again later in the set-up processes.
  3. Once the creation process finishes, click the hyperlinked User ID for this user, and scroll down to Roles.
  4. Click Edit, and select x_fls_flexera_fnms.admin from the collection, and add to Roles List.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Close the user properties page.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
