Compliance.Logic.Core Tables
The complete set of database tables documented here includes:
- Activity table (see Activity Table)
- ActivitySource table (see ActivitySource Table)
- ActivityTraceLog table (see ActivityTraceLog Table)
- ActivityType table (see ActivityType Table)
- Alert table (see Alert Table)
- AlertCategory table (see AlertCategory Table)
- AlertTarget table (see AlertTarget Table)
- AlertType table (see AlertType Table)
- AssetContractPaymentSchedule table (see AssetContractPaymentSchedule Table)
- Attribute table (see Attribute Table)
- AvailabilityZone table (see AvailabilityZone Table)
- BusinessImportLogDetail table (see BusinessImportLogDetail Table)
- BusinessImportLogObject table (see BusinessImportLogObject Table)
- BusinessImportLogSummary table (see BusinessImportLogSummary Table)
- BusinessImportResult table (see BusinessImportResult Table)
- CloudApplicationType table (see CloudApplicationType Table)
- CloudLicenseType table (see CloudLicenseType Table)
- CloudServiceApplicationWithByol table (see CloudServiceApplicationWithByol Table)
- CloudServiceInstance table (see CloudServiceInstance Table)
- CloudServiceInstanceConnection table (see CloudServiceInstanceConnection Table)
- CloudServiceInstanceMatchingRule table (see CloudServiceInstanceMatchingRule Table)
- CloudServiceInstanceType table (see CloudServiceInstanceType Table)
- CloudServiceProvider table (see CloudServiceProvider Table)
- CloudServiceRegion table (see CloudServiceRegion Table)
- CloudServiceType table (see CloudServiceType Table)
- ComplianceComputer table (see ComplianceComputer Table)
- ComplianceComputerConnection table (see ComplianceComputerConnection Table)
- ComplianceComputerContract table (see ComplianceComputerContract Table)
- ComplianceComputerInventorySourceType table (see ComplianceComputerInventorySourceType Table)
- ComplianceComputerPropertyValue table (see ComplianceComputerPropertyValue Table)
- ComplianceComputerRole table (see ComplianceComputerRole Table)
- ComplianceComputerRoleEx table (see ComplianceComputerRoleEx Table)
- ComplianceComputerRuleResult table (see ComplianceComputerRuleResult Table)
- ComplianceComputerStatus table (see ComplianceComputerStatus Table)
- ComplianceComputerType table (see ComplianceComputerType Table)
- ComplianceComputerTypeProperty table (see ComplianceComputerTypeProperty Table)
- ComplianceComputerUsage table (see ComplianceComputerUsage Table)
- ComplianceEvent table (see ComplianceEvent Table)
- ComplianceEventAction table (see ComplianceEventAction Table)
- ComplianceEventHistory table (see ComplianceEventHistory Table)
- ComplianceEventState table (see ComplianceEventState Table)
- ComplianceEventType table (see ComplianceEventType Table)
- ComplianceHistory table (see ComplianceHistory Table)
- ComplianceHistoryColumn table (see ComplianceHistoryColumn Table)
- ComplianceHistoryType table (see ComplianceHistoryType Table)
- ComplianceImage table (see ComplianceImage Table)
- ComplianceLicenseUser table (see ComplianceLicenseUser Table)
- CompliancePredefinedSearch table (see CompliancePredefinedSearch Table)
- ComplianceResponsibility table (see ComplianceResponsibility Table)
- ComplianceSavedSearch table (see ComplianceSavedSearch Table)
- ComplianceSchedule table (see ComplianceSchedule Table)
- ComplianceSearchFolder table (see ComplianceSearchFolder Table)
- ComplianceSearchType table (see ComplianceSearchType Table)
- ComplianceSearchTypeColumn table (see ComplianceSearchTypeColumn Table)
- ComplianceSearchTypeRelation table (see ComplianceSearchTypeRelation Table)
- ComplianceTask table (see ComplianceTask Table)
- ComplianceTenantSettingHistory table (see ComplianceTenantSettingHistory Table)
- ComplianceUserPropertyValue table (see ComplianceUserPropertyValue Table)
- ComplianceUserTypeProperty table (see ComplianceUserTypeProperty Table)
- ComputerChassisType table (see ComputerChassisType Table)
- ConsolidatedLicenseUser table (see ConsolidatedLicenseUser Table)
- ConsolidationType table (see ConsolidationType Table)
- ContainerImage table (see ContainerImage Table)
- ContainerInstance table (see ContainerInstance Table)
- ContainerInstanceStatus table (see ContainerInstanceStatus Table)
- ContainerInstanceType table (see ContainerInstanceType Table)
- ContainerPod table (see ContainerPod Table)
- Contract table (see Contract Table)
- ContractNote table (see ContractNote Table)
- ContractNotification table (see ContractNotification Table)
- ContractNotificationResponsibility table (see ContractNotificationResponsibility Table)
- ContractProperty table (see ContractProperty Table)
- ContractPropertyValue table (see ContractPropertyValue Table)
- ContractScopingData table (see ContractScopingData Table)
- ContractSecurityUser table (see ContractSecurityUser Table)
- ContractState table (see ContractState Table)
- ContractStatus table (see ContractStatus Table)
- ContractType table (see ContractType Table)
- ContractUseRight table (see ContractUseRight Table)
- ContractUseRightIBM table (see ContractUseRightIBM Table)
- ContractVendor table (see ContractVendor Table)
- CurrencyRate table (see CurrencyRate Table)
- CurrencyRateSnapshot table (see CurrencyRateSnapshot Table)
- CustomPropertyDisplayXML table (see CustomPropertyDisplayXML Table)
- DailyContainerInventory table (see DailyContainerInventory Table)
- DisplayXML table (see DisplayXML Table)
- Document table (see Document Table)
- DocumentHistory table (see DocumentHistory Table)
- DocumentNote table (see DocumentNote Table)
- DocumentType table (see DocumentType Table)
- Event table (see Event Table)
- EventLogCategory table (see EventLogCategory Table)
- EventLogDetail table (see EventLogDetail Table)
- EventLogLevel table (see EventLogLevel Table)
- EventLogStatus table (see EventLogStatus Table)
- EventLogSummary table (see EventLogSummary Table)
- EventParameter table (see EventParameter Table)
- EventParameterType table (see EventParameterType Table)
- EventSeverity table (see EventSeverity Table)
- EventTarget table (see EventTarget Table)
- EventType table (see EventType Table)
- EventTypeStatus table (see EventTypeStatus Table)
- ILMTPVUCounts table (see ILMTPVUCounts Table)
- ImportResolverErrorResult table (see ImportResolverErrorResult Table)
- ImportResolverType table (see ImportResolverType Table)
- InstalledSoftwareAttribute table (see InstalledSoftwareAttribute Table)
- Instance table (see Instance Table)
- InstanceAttribute table (see InstanceAttribute Table)
- InstanceEnvironment table (see InstanceEnvironment Table)
- InstancePropertyValue table (see InstancePropertyValue Table)
- InstanceRole table (see InstanceRole Table)
- InstanceTenancy table (see InstanceTenancy Table)
- InstanceType table (see InstanceType Table)
- InstanceTypeProperty table (see InstanceTypeProperty Table)
- InstanceUser table (see InstanceUser Table)
- IntervalType table (see IntervalType Table)
- KubernetesVirtualMachine table (see KubernetesVirtualMachine Table)
- LicenseUser table (see LicenseUser Table)
- LicenseUserConnection table (see LicenseUserConnection Table)
- LicenseUserExcluded table (see LicenseUserExcluded Table)
- LicenseUserType table (see LicenseUserType Table)
- LogFile table (see LogFile Table)
- MSEAARLSoftwareTitleEdition table (see MSEAARLSoftwareTitleEdition Table)
- MSSelectLevel table (see MSSelectLevel Table)
- MSSelectPool table (see MSSelectPool Table)
- MobileDevice table (see MobileDevice Table)
- NotificationItem table (see NotificationItem Table)
- NotificationTemplate table (see NotificationTemplate Table)
- NotificationType table (see NotificationType Table)
- OperatorManageState table (see OperatorManageState Table)
- OperatorTaskTypeSetting table (see OperatorTaskTypeSetting Table)
- OracleFeature table (see OracleFeature Table)
- OracleFeatureEvidence table (see OracleFeatureEvidence Table)
- OracleInstance table (see OracleInstance Table)
- OracleMaskedUserName table (see OracleMaskedUserName Table)
- OracleRuleDefinition table (see OracleRuleDefinition Table)
- PaymentSchedule table (see PaymentSchedule Table)
- PaymentScheduleCategory table (see PaymentScheduleCategory Table)
- PaymentScheduleDetail table (see PaymentScheduleDetail Table)
- PaymentScheduleDetailPaymentStatus table (see PaymentScheduleDetailPaymentStatus Table)
- PaymentScheduleTerm table (see PaymentScheduleTerm Table)
- PaymentScheduleType table (see PaymentScheduleType Table)
- Project table (see Project Table)
- PurchaseOrder table (see PurchaseOrder Table)
- PurchaseOrderDetail table (see PurchaseOrderDetail Table)
- PurchaseOrderDetailProperty table (see PurchaseOrderDetailProperty Table)
- PurchaseOrderDetailPropertyValue table (see PurchaseOrderDetailPropertyValue Table)
- PurchaseOrderDetailStatus table (see PurchaseOrderDetailStatus Table)
- PurchaseOrderDetailType table (see PurchaseOrderDetailType Table)
- PurchaseOrderImportMethod table (see PurchaseOrderImportMethod Table)
- PurchaseOrderProperty table (see PurchaseOrderProperty Table)
- PurchaseOrderPropertyValue table (see PurchaseOrderPropertyValue Table)
- PurchaseOrderStatus table (see PurchaseOrderStatus Table)
- PurchaseOrderType table (see PurchaseOrderType Table)
- PurchaseProgram table (see PurchaseProgram Table)
- QuerySnapshot table (see QuerySnapshot Table)
- RelationType table (see RelationType Table)
- ResponsibilityType table (see ResponsibilityType Table)
- RestrictedAccessType table (see RestrictedAccessType Table)
- RulesEngineRuleDefinition table (see RulesEngineRuleDefinition Table)
- RulesEngineRuleType table (see RulesEngineRuleType Table)
- SAMLConfiguration table (see SAMLConfiguration Table)
- SecurityType table (see SecurityType Table)
- SerialNumberBlackList table (see SerialNumberBlackList Table)
- SessionUIDBeacon table (see SessionUIDBeacon Table)
- ShippingMethod table (see ShippingMethod Table)
- SoftwareLicenseContractPaymentSchedule table (see SoftwareLicenseContractPaymentSchedule Table)
- SystemShutdown table (see SystemShutdown Table)
- TDSComputer table (see TDSComputer Table)
- TaskExecutionStatus table (see TaskExecutionStatus Table)
- TaskExecutionStatusStep table (see TaskExecutionStatusStep Table)
- TaskStep table (see TaskStep Table)
- TaskStepEventType table (see TaskStepEventType Table)
- TemporalFNMPComputerUIDSCD table (see TemporalFNMPComputerUIDSCD Table)
- TermAndCondition table (see TermAndCondition Table)
- TermAndConditionTask table (see TermAndConditionTask Table)
- TermAndConditionType table (see TermAndConditionType Table)
- UserNameBlacklist table (see UserNameBlacklist Table)
- VMEnabledState table (see VMEnabledState Table)
- VMHostDatastore table (see VMHostDatastore Table)
- VMHostManagedBySoftware table (see VMHostManagedBySoftware Table)
- VMHostProperty table (see VMHostProperty Table)
- VMPool table (see VMPool Table)
- VMPoolType table (see VMPoolType Table)
- VMSourceType table (see VMSourceType Table)
- VMState table (see VMState Table)
- VMType table (see VMType Table)
- Vendor table (see Vendor Table)
- VendorContact table (see VendorContact Table)
- VendorProperty table (see VendorProperty Table)
- VendorPropertyValue table (see VendorPropertyValue Table)
- VirtualMachine table (see VirtualMachine Table)
- VirtualMachineAwaitingInventory table (see VirtualMachineAwaitingInventory Table)
- XMLInsertType table (see XMLInsertType Table)
- ZoneResourceManagementMethodType table (see ZoneResourceManagementMethodType Table)