DiscoveredDeviceCalculatedMember Table

Stores summary strings of DiscoveredDevice details that are expensive to calculate on demand.

Note: To cater for multi-tenant mode, this table may contain data for multiple tenants. Access requires that the database TenantID has been set in the SQL Server connection context information. That setting filters an underlying table to produce this view of data for the single, selected tenant.
Table 1. Database columns for DiscoveredDeviceCalculatedMember table

Database Column



Type: integer. Key

Device identity number.


Type: boolean. Nullable

Have we discovered Oracle on this machine?


Type: text (max 512 characters). Nullable

A summary string representing any known Oracle Listeners, and the port they can be contacted on.


Type: text (max 512 characters). Nullable

A summary string representing any known Oracle Services.


Type: boolean. Nullable

Have we discovered SQL Server on this machine?


Type: boolean. Nullable

Is this machine a virtual desktop?


Type: boolean. Nullable

Have we discovered a VDI broker on this machine?