SiteSubnet Table

The SiteSubnet table contains data about subnets in a network location (or site).

Note: To cater for multi-tenant mode, this table may contain data for multiple tenants. Access requires that the database TenantID has been set in the SQL Server connection context information. That setting filters an underlying table to produce this view of data for the single, selected tenant.
Table 1. Database columns for SiteSubnet table

Database Column



Type: integer. Key. Generated ID

The ID for the subnet.


Type: text (max 64 characters). Key

The IP address of the subnet, in human-readable dotted decimal notation (example:


Type: tiny integer. Key

The number of bits in the CIDR routing prefix (in IPv4 terms, the subnet mask), expressed as a decimal number.


Type: integer. Key

SiteID of the site in which the Subnet resides. Foreign key to the Site table.


Type: boolean

Specifies whether the row was populated automatically (1) or manually (0).


Type: boolean

Specifies whether the row will be used when mapping domains and devices to sites.


Type: big integer. Key

The first IP address within the subnet, expressed as an integer. This value is automatically calculated when the record is created.


Type: big integer. Key

The last IP address within the subnet, expressed as an integer. This value is automatically calculated. (For an IPv4 address with a 32-bit subnet mask, this value is the same as the first IP address within the subnet, since this IP address identifies exactly one device.)