March 2021

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R2.2

Master Issue Number Component/s Summary Workaround
IOJ-2177310 Agent, Component installers

Auto upgrade with previously installed mgssetup.ini containing DESTRUCTIVEUNINSTALL = 1 removes all ManageSoft HKLM data

Deploy a script to any Windows machines with the agent installed where DESTRUCTIVEUNINSTALL=1 was set in mgssetup.ini to either remove C:\Program Files\ManageSoft\mgssetup.ini or to modify the installed mgssetup.ini removing the DESTRUCTIVEUNINSTALL=1 entry.
IOJ-1988329 SAM for Microsoft

Consumption may be under counted for Microsoft Server Core licenses for SQL Server Enterprise on running on virtual machines

The consumption of affected devices can be manually overridden on the Consumption tab of license properties.
IOJ-2162042 Inventory import (read/write/export), Software license management

"Upgrade to latest version" setting may be overridden to a specific version on a license when performing a license reconcile