Removing ILMT as an Inventory Source

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
Important: Before proceeding, collect and archive your final reports of IBM PVU and IBM VPC sub-capacity consumption from ILMT. These may be required for submission to IBM if they cover part of the current reporting period; and they may also be required for an auditor to validate the future results from IT Asset Management against the past results from ILMT.
While you were relying on ILMT as the source of truth for sub-capacity calculations for IBM PVU and IBM VPC licenses, you probably had two inventory agents deployed to target devices:
  • The ILMT agent
  • The FlexNet Inventory Agent.
Now that you have switched to IT Asset Management for sub-capacity calculations on these licenses, the points calculated by ILMT are no longer visible in the web interface of IT Asset Management. You now have two choices about the ILMT agents:
  • You may continue to use ILMT as an inventory source from which data is integrated into IT Asset Management, but keeping in mind that no consumed points calculated by ILMT are visible now that IT Asset Management is in high-frequency sub-capacity mode. (You may also be using these ILMT agents to continue populating ILMT with data.) As long as you have ILMT as an inventory source, IT Asset Management does provide a report (in Reports mode) with which you can compare the sub-capacity results calculated by the two products, at least for IBM PVU licenses.
  • You may decide that you no longer want to maintain two agents, and therefore want to remove ILMT as an inventory source.

We do this by removing the inventory connection to the ILMT database. This is a two-stage process.

To remove an existing ILMT inventory connection:

  1. On the inventory beacon that connects to ILMT, start FlexNet Beacon using the Run as administrator option, and select the Inventory systems page.
  2. From the list of connections, select the ILMT connection, and below the listing, click Delete.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
    This removes the connection data from the inventory beacon, but there is no communication about this change from the inventory beacon to the central application server, where another manual edit is required.
  4. In the web interface for IT Asset Management, go to Data Imports page (Data Collection > IT Assets Inventory Tasks > Data Imports), and select the Inventory Data tab.
  5. Scroll down to find the row for the ILMT connection, and click that row to expand its details.
  6. Just below the Input details, click the link to Delete connection, and in the confirmation dialog, click OK.
Details of the connection to ILMT are now removed from both the inventory beacon and the application server. Inventory data previously imported from ILMT that is not covered by any other inventory source is removed from the compliance database when you delete the connection details in the Data Inputs page of the web interface. This includes any ILMT-only inventory devices and related installation records, and (after the next compliance calculation) their contributions to license consumption. License records created to match ILMT inventory are not deleted (although, appropriately, their consumption figures may be affected).
Tip: If you had previously linked an ILMT-only inventory device record to an asset record, the inventory device is not deleted, and instead is given a Status value of Awaiting Inventory. If removal was intended, the asset record and inventory device record can both be removed manually.

You may now use your preferred company processes to remove the ILMT agent from target inventory devices.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
