Importing Inventory Spreadsheets and CSV Files

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Among many supported methods of importing software and hardware inventory details, IT Asset Management supports the import of inventory information in either comma-separated value (.csv) files, or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx files). To differentiate these from other imports of spreadsheet information (such as for purchases, enterprise groups, and user assignments), these are called 'inventory spreadsheets', a convenient term covering both file formats (unless specifically excepted).

Inventory spreadsheets can be imported in either of two ways:
  • A 'one-off' import through the web interface of IT Asset Management
  • A repeatable, scheduled import through an inventory beacon.

This chapter covers the processes for both kinds of imports of inventory spreadsheets.

The formats of these imported files are fixed, and defined by downloadable templates. The documentation of each of these templates, and the mapping of all the spreadsheet columns to the compliance database, is included in the Inventory Spreadsheet Templates topic in IT Asset Management Schema Reference.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
