Indirect Access Evidence Report

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The Indirect Access Evidence report is available under Analysis Tools in the main navigation bar. This report analyzes the license consumption that is due to indirect access from non-SAP systems for a system landscape. It enables you to:

  • See how indirect access influences the total license position.
  • See how each individual non-SAP system influences the total license position.
  • For each non-SAP system, display a list of all user accounts and their effect on the license position.

FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications contains a predefined non-SAP system called FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications that is automatically installed during setup. This predefined non-SAP system represents FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications and all FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications operators. By default, it is located in the default SAP system landscape.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
