Introduction to License Rules
FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications enables you to define license rules that are used in the license optimization process. These rules help you to identify the most appropriate license type for users. License rules are based on the user data and monthly consumption data that is imported from the SAP systems into IT Asset Management. (Note that consumption data is imported only for completed months.) License rules can be applied to SAP systems and non-SAP systems.
You define the license rules in IT Asset Management . To configure a rule, you need to specify the rule criteria as well as a license type. If the criteria of the rule are met (they usually resolve to true or false), the specified license type will be recommended. To make recommendations usable, they need to be released in IT Asset Management and imported into the SAP Admin module, where an SAP administrator can accept or reject them and update the user primary records accordingly. Only recommendations for SAP systems can be released to the SAP Admin module.
Each predefined license rule has a Recommended license type list from which you select the license type that should be recommended if the rule criteria are met. To make the full range of license types available in this list, you need to set up the license-type hierarchy before configuring license rules. For more information, see License-Type Hierarchy.
You can tie individual license rules to systems, or alternatively, you can assign license rules grouped together in a license rule set to one or more systems. For information on assigning individual license rules or entire license rule sets to systems, see Assigning Rules and Rule Sets to Systems.
You need to manually calculate the current baseline and optimal license position, based on all active rule sets. This helps to ensure that license managers always have an accurate and up-to-date view of their optimal SAP license position, including how the position has changed over time. For more information, see Recalculating the Optimal License Position.
As a first step, you would usually create a license rule set and then, in a second step, add rules to your set. Both processes are explained in more detail in the following sections.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)