Core Points (license type)
A license where entitlements are recorded as points. Each core of a computer's processor is assigned a certain number of points (by the software publisher) that vary by the processor type, and software installed on that computer consumes the specified number of points. For virtual machines the core count is the maximum number of available virtual threads (or VCPUs).
A simple case might consume one point per core (of the computer that the software runs on), but different chip architectures might mean that each core counts for some other value of points and fractions of points (such as 1.3 points per core for a specified computer model). Therefore there is no direct relationship between the points consumed and how many computers the software is installed on. For example, a single installation on 32-core computer rated at 120 points per core will completely consume a 3840-point Core Points license; but in another enterprise, the same 3840-point Core Points license entitles you to installations on 16 servers, each having 8 cores, that are rated at 30 point per core (that is, 1 x 32 x 120 = 16 x 8 x 30 = 3840).
When an individual computer matches more than one of the rules in the points table, the points value from the most selective (least general) of the matching rules is used.
Product use rights | Multiple use, downgrade rights, upgrade rights, and licensing on VM hosts. |
Group assignment |
Group assignment is supported. |
Consumption | The sum of points per computer, across all unique computers that have installations of one or more of the applications linked to the license and have processors identified in the core points table. The points per computer are calculated as the product of the number of cores available and the assigned points/core for the processor type. |
Included |
Computers within the scope of the license where the properties of the computer (processor type, computer model, and number of cores and sockets) match one of the license points rules. If no core information is available, the number of processors is used in calculations. |
Compliance | Compliant when points consumed are less than or equal to the number of points purchased. |
Changing from |
Points rules will be deleted. Scoping rules will be deleted. Allocations to computers may be deleted. |
Changing to | You will need to define one or more points rules. You may want to allocate the license to computers. |
IT Asset Management (Cloud)