Oracle Processor (license type)

Note: This license type is available only when you have licensed the FlexNet Manager for Datacenters product.
A license for Oracle databases, applications, or options, based on the number of processors on the computer (sub-capacity licensing is supported for virtual environments). This license type may also be over-utilized:
  • When the license is expired
  • When a database instance and an option are installed on the same computer (physical server or virtual machine) and have licenses of different types.
Tip: For capacity-based licenses, if you allocate the license to an individual device but inventory does not show any relevant applications (linked to the license) installed on that same device, consumption on that device is calculated as for a device license (a count of one per device, regardless of the device capacity). You can manually adjust the points consumed using the Overridden consumption value (consumption is then updated at the next compliance calculation). If corrected inventory is later imported that shows installation of relevant applications, you also need to remove the manual assignment of points.
The rules for Oracle Processor license consumption calculations are rather complex, and require that:
  1. The processors in inventory devices linked to the license are grouped according to their points factors (such as 0.25 points/core, 0.5 points/core, 0.75 points/core, and 1.0 points/core). These points factors are determined by the machine and processor type.
  2. Within each points-value group, the number of cores is added up: for a free-standing inventory device, the total cores; or, for virtual machines, the total assigned cores, taking account of capping by resource pools or by the host capacity.
  3. The resulting subtotal of cores for each group is multiplied by the appropriate points/core from the points rule table.
  4. Any fractional result per group is rounded up to the next whole number.
  5. The whole-number subtotals from each group are then summed to give the total points consumed for the license.
As required, this process is applied for license compliance calculations, and the result is displayed in the Consumed entitlements field on the Compliance tab of the license properties, as you expect. This is also the figure displayed as Consumed in license listings, such as the All Licenses page.
Tip: The Consumption tab of the license properties cannot display this result, because it must show an estimated consumption for each inventory device; and because you cannot consume a fraction of a point, the points consumed for each device within this listing are already rounded up per device. The "rounded sum" from the Compliance tab may well be less than the simple "sum of rounded values" from the rows of the Consumption tab; and where there is any difference, the Compliance tab is the real result. For example, consider these three inventory devices, which for simplicity all have the same points/core value in the points rule table:
Cores Pts/core Compliance points Consumption tab (rounded up per device)
1 0.25 0.25 1
2 0.25 0.5 1
4 0.25 1 1
  TOTAL 1.75 3 (simple sum of rounded values)
  Rounded up 2 3

For an Oracle Autonomous Database instance that uses the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model, the total number of consumed cores is calculated by taking into account the corresponding OCPU or ECPU, auto scaling, and BYOL limit of the instance.

For virtualization using Solaris zones, there are special calculations for consumption from this Oracle Processor license type. For an application running in any zone, the calculations take into account:
Zone's Threads (max) / (host's Threads / host's Cores)
These values are available in various listings in the web interface, and in the inventory device properties as follows:
  • The zone's Threads (max) value is displayed in the VM Properties tab for the Virtual machine. This value is read-only, and must be present for consumption to occur against an Oracle Processor license.
  • The host's Threads and Cores counts are displayed on the Hardware tab of the host's inventory device properties. These two values are normally reported in inventory; but missing or incorrect values can be overridden to correct them on that same tab. It's clear from the formula above that a zero (or missing) value for either of these counts prevents calculation of consumption from an Oracle Processor license on every zone (Virtual machine) on this host.
Product use rights Downgrade rights, upgrade rights, and licensing on VM hosts (virtual and sub-capacity licensing are built in to this license type, and there is no field in the web interface for turning that off). You may also record the right of license mobility, including for cloud computing, but this indicator is for record-keeping purposes only, and does not affect any compliance calculations.
Group assignment Not supported.
The number of processor points calculated for the computers that run one or more instances of the Oracle application.
Tip: Oracle databases installations can consume entitlements from an Oracle Processor license whether or not individual database instances have been identified. For example, if the installation is identified by an inventory tool that does not identify the instances, the installation consumes as a single instance.

Computers with processor type matching one of the license points rules.


If sum of points from all installed computers (shown in Consumed ) is less than or equal to the points available under this license (shown in Total licensed ).

The license must also meet a number of other constraints, such as having database and options licensed under the same license type.

Changing from

Points rules will be deleted. Scoping rules will be deleted.

Allocations to computers may be deleted.

Changing to

You will need to define one or more points rules.

You may want to allocate the license to computers.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
