Error Messages for Inventory Devices
These messages (listed alphabetically) may appear in the properties of a discovered device to assist in trouble-shooting problems with inventory.
Error text | Area | Notes |
An I/O error occurred. Please inspect the process output to determine the cause of the error. | SSH | The process output is shown on the right-hand side. |
An inventory of the remote device was successfully generated, but the inventory could not be uploaded. | Windows RPC | This could be because:
An unknown error has occurred with code error-code. Please inspect the process output to determine the cause of this error. | SSH | The process output is shown on the right-hand side. |
A socket error occurred (error-code). Please inspect the process output to determine the cause of the error. | SSH | The connected party did not respond properly within a time limit, so look for details in the process output shown on the right-hand side. |
Connected to the Service Control Manager of the remote device, but failed to install the remote execution service 'service-name'. | Windows RPC | Check the permission levels for the account (stored in the Password Store) used to access this device. Are the privileges sufficient to allow installation of the service? |
Connection to the remote host failed due to a connection error. | SSH | |
Connection to the remote host has been lost. | SSH | Check the network for failures, including intermittent errors. |
Connection to the remote host timed out. | SSH | |
Connection to the remote host was refused. | SSH | Check that the account name and password recorded in the Password Store are still valid for the target inventory device. |
Contacted the VMware Infrastructure server but failed to login. The problem is probably related to access credentials. | VMware Virtual Inventory | On the inventory beacon that accessed this inventory device, check the Password Store for an account name and password stored for the target device. Manually attempt to log in to the target server using those credentials to validate that the account and password are current. |
CyberArk password retrieval failed | Remote Execution | The CyberArk Credential Provider was detected on the inventory beacon that accessed this inventory device, so that the local Password Manager may now attempt to retrieve credentials from CyberArk to access target inventory devices. In this case, retrieving the credential for this device failed. Check the Message received from CyberArk for details. |
Execution of the command on the remote device timed out. | Remote Execution | The remote execution command (ndtrack or ndinstlr) ran for too long and caused the inventory beacon to timeout the connection. Analyze the work being attempted through the command, checking for task size, memory requirements, disk space and the like, to work out why it should take so long. |
Execution of the remote program has successfully completed, but has returned a non-zero exit code of error-code. | Windows RPC | Once you identify which command (ndtrack or ndinstlr) was attempted, review the matching log file to find out why the command failed. The common cause is that, in the Zero-footprint case of inventory gathering, the Windows service could not execute the inventory gathering component from the inventory beacon. By default, the inventory beacon supplies a command line that identifies only its machine name. One workaround to try is to modify the registry on the inventory beacon. In the registry editor, navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\RemoteExecution\CurrentVersion\PublicToolsShare. Its default value is \\MACHINENAME\mgsRET$. Replace the MACHINENAME value with either the fully-qualified domain name of the inventory beacon, or with its IP address (in IPv4 format). Thereafter, re-run the inventory rule. |
Execution of the remote program has successfully completed, but has returned a non-zero exit code of error-code. | SSH |
Inspect the process output for more information. Once you identify which command (ndtrack or ndinstlr) was attempted, review the matching log file to find out why the command failed. Consider problems external to the system. For example, an exit code of
7, a failure to upload the collected
inventory, may occur because of a DNS failure on the target device, so
that it cannot access the inventory beacon by its
machine name. Can the target device ping the inventory beacon by name? One test is to override the
Failed to connect to the Service Control Manager on the remote device. | Windows RPC | Usually means either:
Failed to connect to the VMware Infrastructure server. VMware services may not be running on the machine, or may be running on a different port. | VMware Virtual Inventory | Review the configuration of the target server to validate the port number it is expecting. Go to the Discovery and Inventory Rules page. Inspect the rule used to discover, and (probably) collect inventory from, this target device. Check the action within this rule, and make sure that, in the VMware infrastructure section, Discover VMware infrastructure remains checked and that the port used on the target device is included in the list of ports. |
Failed to contact Oracle database service 'service-name' on port port-number. Please check network connectivity and ensure that the Oracle server software is running. | Oracle Inventory | Also validate that the port number required for database access on the target Oracle server is registered in the actions for the rule for its discovery/inventory. Go to the Discovery and Inventory Rules page. |
Failed to create the process | Windows RPC | |
Failed to execute the command on the remote device. | Remote Execution | Check that the account name recorded in the Password Store for the target device
has permissions on that device to execute commands. Tip: If the target device is a UNIX-like machine, and
the error is a refusal to execute an action as root, check that sudo
elevation is permitted for the following commands:
Failed to generate the Oracle inventory file. The problem may be related to authorization on the local server. | Oracle Inventory | The inventory (.ndi) file could not be written. On the inventory beacon that accessed this inventory device, ensure that the inventory service has write permissions to all working directories. |
Failed to get the exit code of the process | SSH | On the target machine, check running processes to make sure that has actually exited. |
Failed to initialize the Oracle inventory for this server. | Oracle Inventory | |
Failed to load the Oracle inventory component. The necessary Oracle client software may not be installed. | Oracle Inventory | Check the requirements for Oracle inventory gathering in Prerequisites for Inventory Beacons. |
Failed to load the VMware Infrastructure component. | VMware Virtual Inventory | May indicate that the installation of the inventory beacon has failed or been corrupted. Consider reinstalling the beacon. |
Failed to logon to the Oracle Database service. Please ensure that the database credentials are correct. | Oracle Inventory | Make sure the credentials recorded in the Password Store for the target device also have read rights on the Oracle database to gather the required inventory. |
Failed to query all of the total-count Oracle services attempted. | Oracle Inventory | Summary count of the failed attempts. There were no successes. |
Failed to query failure-count out of the total-count Oracle services attempted. | Oracle Inventory | The difference is the number of queries to Oracle services that succeeded. |
Failed to start execution of the command on the remote device. | Windows RPC | The mgsreservice.exe service could not run the ndtrack.exe or ndinstlr.exe command from the inventory beacon to act on the target device ( such as \\beaconserver\mgsRET$\Inventory\ndtrack.exe). Rare: ensure the executables are in place, and that the account running the service has appropriate permissions on the directory holding the executables. |
Installed and started the remote execution service using the Service Control Manager of the remote device, but the service has timed out on its request from the Service Control Manager. | Windows RPC | Is the target device very busy? |
Installed the remote execution service using the Service Control Manager of the remote device, but failed to start the service. | Windows RPC | Check the permission levels for the account (stored in the Password Store) used to access this device. Are the privileges sufficient to allow execution of the service? Do the credential used for remote execution have a “Logon as a service” right in Active Directory? |
Installed the remote execution service using the Service Control Manager of the remote device, but failed to start the service because the service binary file, 'service-name', is of a bad executable format. Verify the service file is not corrupt. | Windows RPC | Rare, indicating that the \\beaconserver\mgsRET$\mgsreservice.exe is not a real Windows service executable. The file may be corrupted. Obtain a new copy and retry. |
Installed the remote execution service using the Service Control Manager of the remote device, but failed to start the service because the service binary file, 'service-name', was not found. | Windows RPC | Usually means that the remote device could not execute the
command as a service. Possible causes include:
Invalid request: the number of services must match the number of ports. | Oracle Inventory | Internal error. Please advise Flexera Support. |
Logged into the VMware Infrastructure server but failed to generate inventory. The problem may be related to authorization on the VMware or local server. | VMware Virtual Inventory | On the inventory beacon that accessed this inventory device, check the Password Store for an account name and password stored for the target device. On the target device, check that the permissions for this account are adequate to collect required data from VMware. |
No Oracle details are known for this device. If this is an Oracle server, details can be found by scheduling an Oracle discovery of this device, or can be entered manually using the Discovery and Adoption node. | Oracle Inventory | This is an outdated error message and unlikely to appear in the 2014 release or later. Worth reporting as a support ticket if it appears. Also, in the web interface for FlexNet Manager Suite, go to the Discovery and Inventory Rules page, inspect the rule used to discover, and (probably) collect inventory from, this target device. Check the action within this rule, and make sure that, in the Oracle database section, Discover Oracle databases remains checked, and that appropriate discovery methods are configured. |
No SSH credentials have been configured in the inventory beacon's password store which matched the device. | SSH | Use the Password Store on the appropriate beacon to create and store an account name and password for the target device. |
Successfully executed the command on the remote device. | Remote Execution | Don't worry, be happy. |
Successfully executed the command on the remote device. | Windows RPC | Don't worry, be happy. |
Successfully executed the command on the remote device. | SSH | Don't worry, be happy. |
Successfully inventoried total-count Oracle services. | Oracle Inventory | Don't worry, be happy. |
Successfully queried Oracle database service 'service-name' on port port-number. | Oracle Inventory | Don't worry, be happy. |
The adoption package selected for this adoption task was not applicable to this target device. Check that the adoption package supports the operating system, architecture and language of the target device. | Windows RPC | Call Flexera Support. |
The adoption package selected for this adoption task was not applicable to this target device. Check that the adoption package supports the operating system, architecture and language of the target device. | SSH | Call Flexera Support. |
The adoption package was not found on the inventory beacon. | Beacon Engine | The inventory beacon itself has been modified or corrupted. Try refreshing this beacon from the central application server, if need be reinstalling the beacon following the instructions in the browser interface. |
The command-line supplied was invalid. Please inspect the process output to determine the cause of the error. | SSH | The process output is shown on the right-hand side. |
The command was executed on the remote device, but returned a non-zero exit code. | Remote Execution | Once you identify which command (ndtrack or ndinstlr) was attempted, review the matching log file to find out why the command failed. For UNIX-based remote execution, you may be able to look at the standard output and standard error as well. |
The platform type of the device could not be determined. | Beacon Engine | Testing failed to identify the type of computer that is the target. |
The process ran out of memory and was terminated. | SSH | Reassess the remote execution command being used on the target inventory device. |
The remote host name could not be resolved. | SSH | Check the DNS configuration, particularly on the inventory device. |
The Service Control Manager of the remote device is available, but there are no credentials to connect to the Service Control Manager. | Windows RPC | On the inventory beacon that attempted remote execution, check the Password Store for an account name and password stored for the target device. Manually attempt to log in to the target server using those credentials to validate that the account and password are current. |
The Service Control Manager of the remote device is unavailable. The Service Control Manager may not be available for this type of device, it may be available and not running on this device or it may be blocked by a firewall. | Windows RPC | May indicate a test for a Windows server that failed, and a subsequent test (for example, for a UNIX-based server) succeeded. If so, this is the normal testing sequence and the first failure can be ignored in the light of the later success. However, if this truly is a Windows server, check that the SCM is running, and that you can access it from the inventory beacon (for example, through any intervening firewalls). |
Timed out waiting for the command on the remote device to complete. | Windows RPC | Review the process you are executing on the Windows device for reasons why it is not completing in a timely way. |
Timed out waiting for the command on the remote device to complete. | SSH | Review the process you are executing on the UNIX-based device for reasons why it is not completing in a timely way. |
Unable to authenticate on the remote host. | SSH | The account used may not have allowed for privilege escalation (for example, an admin account). The system does not transmit passwords for privilege escalation across the network. For remote execution to work, you must either use a privileged account, or (less likely) configure the target device to allow for privilege escalation without a password. |
Unable to authenticate on the remote host when using the credentials 'account-name'. | SSH | On the inventory beacon that accessed this inventory device, check the Password Store for an account name and password stored for the target device. On the target device, check that the authentication details are still current (you can log in with this account). |
Unable to authenticate on the remote host when using the credentials 'account-name'. Additionally, the following credentials could not be used for privilege escalation, 'account-name'. Inventory Manager does not send your password to any utility for escalating privileges. For remote execution to work correctly, you must either use a privileged account, or configure the target device to allow privilege escalation without a password. Please inspect the process output to determine the specific cause of the error. | SSH | On the inventory beacon that accessed this inventory device, check the Password Store for an account name and password stored for the target device. On the target device, check that the authentication details are still current (you can log in with this account). Also note the alert text about privilege escalation, and test whether this account already has sufficient privileges or can elevate its privileges, so that it can install and execute remote execution executables on the target device. |
VMware was not discovered on this device. | Beacon Engine | Check whether VMware is truly present, and functional, on the target device; and if not, update the inventory collection rule (through the browser interface) that is attempting to collect VMware inventory from this device. |
IT Asset Management (Cloud)