Package Rule Properties and Methods

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The following properties and methods enable you to define custom package formulas. All properties and methods are case sensitive. If a number is the result of the formula, then this number is the consumption value. If a string is returned, then there is no consumption value available and a message is returned instead. If a result Consumption(...) is returned, then both a consumption value and a message are returned.

Properties for custom package formulas

Property Type Example Value
SystemID string "T7A-001"
ClientID string "001"

Methods for custom package formulas

Method Type Example Condition Note
HasMetric(int metricID) bool HasMetric(1000) Determines whether a specific metric has a value from any measurement
HasMetric(int metricID, int numMonths) bool HasMetric(1000, 12) Determines whether a specific metric has a value that is relevant within the specified period of time
HasMetric(int metricID, int numMonths, string periodType) bool HasMetric(1100, 12, "C")

Determines whether a specific metric has a value that is relevant within the specified period of time and where the period of the value has the specified type.

Allowed period values:

  • Y: The metric is for the last 12 months (relative to the date of measurement).
  • C: The metric is for the last full calendar year.
  • T: The metric is for the current calendar year (year to date).
  • M: The metric is measured monthly and each measurement returns 12 values.
  • Q: The metric is measured quarterly and each measurement returns 4 values.
  • 6: The metric is measured half yearly and each measurement returns 2 values.
  • U: No period is specified, meaning that the metric holds the "current value".
Metric(int metricID) integer Metric(1000)

Returns the value of the specified metric.

Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, the value is the sum of all values.

When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), the value is the sum of all values across all SAP systems.

Metric(int metricID, int numMonths) integer Metric(1000, 12)

Returns the value of the specified metric for the specified period of time.

Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, the value is the sum of all values.

When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), the value is the sum of all values across all SAP systems.

Metric(int metricID, int numMonths, string periodType) integer Metric(1000, 12, "C")

Returns the value of the specified metric for the specified period of time and where the period of the value has the specified type.

Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, the value is the sum of all values.

When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), the value is the sum of all values across all SAP systems.

Allowed period values:

  • Y: The metric is for the last 12 months (relative to the date of measurement).
  • C: The metric is for the last full calendar year.
  • T: The metric is for the current calendar year (year to date).
  • M: The metric is measured monthly and each measurement returns 12 values.
  • Q: The metric is measured quarterly and each measurement returns 4 values.
  • 6: The metric is measured half yearly and each measurement returns 2 values.
  • U: No period is specified, meaning that the metric holds the "current value".
Metric(int metricID) IEnumerable <int>



Returns a collection of all distinct values for the specified metric.

Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, multiple values are returned.

When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), values for all distinct periods but summed up across all SAP systems are returned.

Metrics(int metricID, int numMonths) IEnumerable <int> Metrics(1000, 12)

Returns a collection of all distinct values for the specified metric for the specified period of time.

Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, multiple values are returned.

When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), values for all distinct periods but summed up across all SAP systems are returned.

Metrics(int metricID, int numMonths, string periodType) IEnumerable <int> Metrics(1000, 12, "C")

Returns a collection of all distinct values for the specified metric for the specified period of time and where the period of the value has the specified type.

Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, multiple values are returned.

When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), values for all distinct periods but summed up across all SAP systems are returned.

Allowed period values:

  • Y: The metric is for the last 12 months (relative to the date of measurement).
  • C: The metric is for the last full calendar year.
  • T: The metric is for the current calendar year (year to date).
  • M: The metric is measured monthly and each measurement returns 12 values.
  • Q: The metric is measured quarterly and each measurement returns 4 values.
  • 6: The metric is measured half yearly and each measurement returns 2 values.
  • U: No period is specified, meaning that the metric holds the "current value".
Active(bool condition) string Active(Metric(1000) > 0) Returns "Active" if the specified condition is evaluated as true, otherwise returns "Inactive".
If(bool condition, int trueResult, int falseResult) integer If(Metric(1000) > 0, Metric(1000), 0) If executes a different formula depending on whether the specified condition is true.
If(bool condition, string trueResult, string falseResult) string If(Metric(1000) > 0, "Active", "Inactive") This example is equivalent to "Active(Metric(1000) > 0)"
If(bool condition, object trueResult, object falseResult) object If(Metric(1000) > 0, Metric(1000), "Inactive") If executes a different formula depending on whether the specified condition is true.
TotalConsumption(object totalConsumed) n/a

TotalConsumption (Metric(1000))

TotalConsumption (Active(Metric(1000) > 0))

Runs the formula once for the entire organization, rather than once per system.
TotalConsumption(object totalConsumed, object systemConsumed) n/a TotalConsumption (Metric(1000), Metric(1000)) Runs the first formula once for the entire organization, and the second formula once per system.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
