Archived License Recommendation Sets
The details that are displayed on the Recommendations: recommendation set name page (accessible by double-clicking a recommendation set on the History page) are the same for all recommendations sets, regardless of status.
The Recommendations: recommendation set name page is structured in a similar way to the License Position page.
Details – General
The Details – General section on the Recommendations: recommendation set name page identifies the archived recommendation set.
Property | Notes |
Name | The name of the recommendation set. |
License position calculated at | The date and time when the license position was calculated. |
Description |
The free-form text that an operator edited when creating (or adjusting) the recommendation. |
System landscape | The name of the system landscape for which the license position was calculated. |
Status | The status of the recommendation set. Possible values are:
Details – User Compliance
The Details – User Compliance section shows a summary of the archived license position for all license types:
Property | Notes |
Purchased | Total number of user licenses that your organization had purchased at the time. |
Purchase value | Monetary value of the licenses that your organization had purchased at the time. |
Consumed (Current) | Total number of consolidated user licenses that were assigned to the users at the time. |
Consumed value (Current) | Monetary value of all user licenses that were assigned to the users at the time. |
Used (Optimal) |
The total number of user licenses that would have been consumed if you had accepted all recommendations by FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications. This amount is based on all active license rules, Duplicate User rules, and user consolidation. This value shows the best possible scenario. However, it does not take into account any contractual obligations that your organization might need to consider with regard to its SAP licenses. |
Used value (Optimal) | The monetary value of all user licenses that would have been consumed if you had accepted all recommendations by FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications. This amount is based on all active license rules, Duplicate User rules, user consolidation, and unit price per license. |
Used (Contractual) | The number of licenses that would have been consumed if you had accepted all
recommendations by FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications. In addition, this value takes specific
SAP license contract obligations into account (if these have been specified in IT Asset Management):
Used value (Contractual) | The monetary value of all consumed user licenses that would have been consumed if you had accepted all recommendations by FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications (based on the unit price that was entered on the License Type:name page). In addition, this value includes spare licenses and a license ratio, if these had been specified (see previous item in this list). |
Retired (Optimal) | The number of licenses that would have been retired (changing the user's Valid To date so that the user is no longer valid) if you had accepted all recommendations by IT Asset Management. |
Details – Package Compliance
The Details – Package Compliance section on the License Position page shows information for the package licenses:
Property | Notes |
Number of packages | The number of SAP packages that your organization was using at the time. |
Purchase value | The monetary value of all package licenses that your organization had purchased at the time. |
Consumed value | The monetary value of the package licenses that your organization had consumed at the time. |
Details – Auditing
The Details – Auditing section on the License Position page shows administrative information:
Property | Notes |
Created by | The user name of the user who created the recommendation set. |
Created at | The date and time when the recommendation set was created. |
Last updated by | The user name of the user who updated the recommendation set. |
Last updated at | The date and time when the recommendation set was updated. |
User License Summary Tab
The User License Summary tab informs you about the current position and the optimal license position, grouped by license type, at the time when the recommendation set was created. For more information, see License Position — Named Users.
The Show user license recommendations link below the summary view enables you to display detailed recommendations based on license rules (on the License Assignment Recommendations tab) and the Duplicate User rule (on the Duplicate User Recommendations tab). For more information about the content of both tabs, see Viewing License Assignment Recommendations and Viewing Duplicate User Recommendations.
Package Consumption Summary Tab
The Package Consumption Summary tab provides an overview of your company's package licensing situation, at the time when the recommendation set was created. For more information, see License Position — SAP Packages.
Digital Access Cost Summary Tab
The Digital Access Cost Summary tab provides an overview of the licensable document count for each system, client and document type, at the time when the recommendation set was created. For more information, see License Position — Digital Access Cost.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)