Adding a Location, Corporate Unit, Cost Center, or User to an Inventory Device
- Corporate units
- Locations
- Cost centers
- Categories.
Creating new groups: New groups cannot be created during the assignment process described here. For group creation, navigate to Enterprise and choose the type of enterprise group you want to work with. In the listing of groups of that type, select the row for the parent where your new group belongs, and click the plain + icon on the right-hand end of that row. This creates a new child row where you can directly enter the group name and a description (the full path is completed automatically after you click the diskette icon on that new row to save the details).
Assigned user: For an inventory device, you can also specify an assigned user. This affects consumption calculations for user-based licenses covering software found on the device, overriding the values for calculated user and last logged on user that are determined from imported inventory.
Locations and regions: Locations are a special case when IT Asset Management is replacing ILMT as the source of sub-capacity points calculations for IBM PVU licenses (for more details on that configuration, see IBM High-Frequency Scanning). When this is true, an extra column for IBM region is displayed in the fly-down list of location search results. The link from inventory device through location to IBM region determines where the PVU points consumed by the inventory device on any IBM PVU license are taken into account: they help determine the peak value (and its timing) for that particular IBM region, and no other. Furthermore, any change in the assignment of an inventory device to a location (that impacts IBM region selection) has effect retroactively throughout the reporting period.
- The departmental model: Here, a host and all its guest VMs share common ownership details, as required when the entire host and its VMs serve a common departmental purpose (for example, an entire host dedicated to the HR Department).
- The on-demand model: Here, a host is provided by a central resource such as your IT Department, and various VMs on the same host are charged back to different departments unrelated to the ownership of the host.
- For locations: Set the check box for Update virtual machine location to match host location for the departmental model, where all guest VMs belong to the same location as their host. Clear the same check box for the on-demand model, where each VM may have a separate location assigned in its Ownership tab.
- For corporate units and cost centers: Choose a setting for
Update virtual machine cost center and corporate unit to
match host properties:
- Choose Always for the departmental model, so that all VMs inherit these groups from their host.
- Choose Never for a completely on-demand model, where the ownership of each VM must be set independently.
- Choose Only when virtual machine has no existing group for a convenient middle ground, where ownership of any individual VM may be set for the cost center or corporate unit of your choice (regardless of the ownership or changes for the host); but where any VM for which you have not yet set individual ownership inherits these group properties from the host. For example, if the host is owned by the IT Department, they might assign one VM to the HR Department, and another to the Marketing Department; but any unassigned VMs default to ownership by the IT Department, by inheritance from the host.
To add a location, corporate unit, cost center, or assigned user to an inventory device:
IT Asset Management (Cloud)