IT Asset Management (Cloud)
Manage the self-update behavior of inventory beacons, and other
rules. All inventory beacons collect changes to inventory rules and
other settings created through the web interface on the central application server. At the same time, they can check whether a new version of the
FlexNet Beacon software is available, and if so (and according to the
controls you set in place), update themselves automatically.
The global settings controlling these behaviors are in this section. Local over-rides
for some settings are also available, as noted below.
To configure inventory beacon updating:
Set the Interval for beacon updates (minutes) by
spinning up, or typing in, the preferred interval.
The default value is to check every 15 minutes. The check-in procedure is very
light-weight and fast, and does not significantly load the inventory beacon, the network, or the central application server. Of course, on those less frequent times when there are
changes to download, this download burden is incremental and depends on the
specific content to transfer.
In Beacon version approved for use, select the policy
for self-updates of inventory beacons:
- For fully automated updates of your inventory beacons, choose Always use the latest
version (currently
release-number). With this setting
operational for all your inventory beacons, updates are
silent and self-managing.
- To manually limit the updates to a specific release of the inventory
beacon software, select a recent release from the drop-down list of
supported versions. With this setting, notifications are displayed to let
you know when a new version of the inventory beacon software
is available for testing and approval.
Note: If you select a release number earlier than the
version currently deployed to your
inventory beacon, you
will trigger a downgrade. Since this is not recommended (especially in a
production environment), you see a confirmation alert:
This setting forces inventory beacons to downgrade to an earlier
version of the beacon software. Best practice is to keep inventory beacons
up to date. Are you sure you want to roll back to this superseded version?
Cancel the alert, and choose a later release
of the
FlexNet Beacon software; or, if you really intend to
force a downgrade, click
Note: In an inventory beacon hierarchy, each
parent inventory beacon must have either the same or later
software version than any of its child inventory beacons.
Tip: Check the release details using the
View Change History for FlexNet Beacon link
in the Beacon settings section.
is a global setting, and is followed by all
inventory beacons
where the local update policy is set to
Always use the latest
version (currently release-number). You
can also fine tune local exceptions to this global policy by changing the local
settings on each
inventory beacon (see
Configuring Update Settings for Individual Inventory Beacons).
Configure the Migration mode: Restrict inventory settings to
targeted devices check box.
- In production, always leave this check box cleared. This ensures
that every installed FlexNet Inventory Agent that contacts an inventory beacon receives a response, and is able to operate as
part of the system.
- Only during migration from FlexNet Manager Platform 9.2 (or earlier),
you may set this check box to prevent your 9.2 inventory agents from
switching over to IT Asset Management until you individually target
them. For more information, see the separate Migrating to IT Asset Management PDF available at
IT Asset Management (Cloud)