Uninstalling the Flexera Kubernetes Agent

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

If you wish to remove the Flexera Kubernetes Inventory Agent from your cluster, there are two alternative paths: you may use the uninstall script, or allow Kubernetes to do the removal by removing the YAML resources.

Note: Neither of these methods removes the flexera namespace, to ensure that any other resources within the namespace are not inadvertently deleted. As well, you may intend to add other Flexera components back into the namespace — for example, you may be removing a superseded version of the Flexera Kubernetes Inventory Agent and replacing it with a later release.

To uninstall the Flexera Kubernetes Inventory Agent:

Option 1: Uninstall script: the only relevant (optional) flags are:
  • --delete-namespace
  • verbose.

Option 2: kubectl: On the appropriate Linux-based device, use the kubectl delete command to remove the YAML files, after which Kubernetes automatically removes the deployment from the cluster:

kubectl delete -f ./config/crd/agents.flexera.com_krms.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/controller/deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/rbac/agent_clusterrolebindings.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/rbac/agent_clusterroles.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/rbac/controller_clusterrolebindings.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/rbac/controller_clusterroles.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/rbac/serviceaccounts.yaml
# extentions
kubectl delete -f ./config/ibm-licensing/clusterrole.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/ibm-licensing/clusterrolebinding.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/ibm-licensing/clusterrole.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/openshift/clusterrolebinding.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./config/openshift/securitycontextconstraints.yaml
Optionally, remove the flexera namespace (if you will not be re-using that in future):
kubectl delete namespace flexera

For information on how to install the Flexera Kubernetes inventory agent and install.sh script, see Download Flexera Kubernetes Inventory Agent in the Online Help.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
