Adding an SAP Admin Module System

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

You need to set up an SAP Admin module system in IT Asset Management before you can add SAP systems that are connected to this SAP Admin module.

This topic is relevant only if you are using FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications in an on-premises implementation. For adding an SAP Admin module in a Cloud implementation, see Creating SAP Connections.

To add an SAP Admin module to a system landscape in IT Asset Management:

  1. Go to the SAP System Landscapes page (Data Collection > IT Assets Inventory Tasks > SAP System Landscapes).
  2. Double-click the landscape to which you want to add a system. If you are setting up your landscape for the first time, you would usually select the predefined Default System Landscape.
    The System Landscape: name page displays.
  3. Go to the SAP Systems section and click Add.
    The Select system type dialog display with the SAP option selected by default.
  4. Click OK.
    The Create New SAP System page displays.
  5. Go to the Connectivity section and select SAP Admin Module.
  6. Complete as much of the following system information as possible.
    Required fields are highlighted in yellow.
    Field Name Description
    System ID

    The unique identifier of the SAP system to which you want to connect.

    Client ID

    The client ID of the SAP system to which you want to connect.


    The description of the SAP system to which you want to connect (optional).

    Parent group

    Click the ellipsis button to assign the system to a parent group.

    SAP Admin Module You selected this option above because you are adding an SAP Admin module system.
    Server name

    The DNS name of the SAP system. This value will be used by the RFC connection. This field can also store the SAP system's IP address.

    System number

    The SAP system number. This value will be used by the RFC connection.

    User name

    The user name that is to be used when connecting to the SAP system and making RFC calls.

    The password that is to be used when connecting to the SAP system and making RFC calls.
    Important: The password should not contain any backward slashes (\). Otherwise, the connection to the SAP system cannot be established.
    Repeat password

    Re-enter the password.

    Test Connection Click this button to test whether the connection details you entered are correct.
    First name

    The first name of the owner of the system.

    Last name

    The last name of the owner of the system.

    Business phone number

    The business phone number of the owner of the system.

    Mobile phone number

    The mobile phone number of the owner of the system.


    The email address of the owner of the system.


    The location of the owner of the system.

  7. Click Create to save the information.
The SAP Admin module system is added to the system landscape, and the SAP System: name page displays the system details, as well as the lists of Dependent SAP Systems and Users. For information about the Users table, see Displaying the SAP System Users.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
