Adding a System Landscape

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
You require sufficient access rights to add new landscapes. If you do not have sufficient rights, the Add button on the System Landscapes page will not be available. For more information, see Access Rights to SAP Functionality.

In some scenarios, for example, if your company merged with another organization and is required to true-up its SAP systems separately, you might have to create multiple system landscapes to facilitate one true-up per system landscape. In scenarios with multiple system landscapes, each landscape requires its own license type hierarchy and user consolidation. For more information, see License-Type Hierarchy and User Consolidation, respectively.

To add a system landscape:

  1. Go to the SAP System Landscapes page (Data Collection > IT Assets Inventory Tasks > SAP System Landscapes).
    It contains a grid with a list of all existing system landscapes.
  2. Click Add.
  3. On the Create New SAP System Landscape page, enter a name, a description (optional), and the status of the new landscape.
  4. Under Compliance, select how over-consumed license types should be handled, and populate the fields under Ownership.
    For information about field values, see The System Landscape Details Page. Some fields can be populated by clicking the Select button . This requires that the corresponding values have been added in IT Asset Management beforehand (using the options under Organization).
  5. Click Create.

The new landscape is created and the System Landscape: name page displays.

>IT Asset Management (Cloud)
