Manually Adding Packages

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

If a new package matches a package in the FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications PURL, the package information will be automatically imported into IT Asset Management. However, if a matching package is not contained in the PURL (or a package is licensed to your organization based on a different business metric than is normal), you will need to manually add a package.

If IT Asset Management cannot find a match in the FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications PURL for a package that you are using, and you create a formula to calculate the package consumption, you are invited to share this information with IT Asset Management. Ask your registered support contact (a designated person within your enterprise who has access rights and login details) to open a new support case at, including a clear description of the issue. (In this case, identify the missing package information.) Flexera will endeavor to incorporate the package information into a future release of the FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications PURL.

To manually add a package:

  1. In IT Asset Management, go to the Packages page (Licenses > SAP Optimization > Packages). Choose a system landscape and click on it.
  2. If you want to switch to a different landscape, click Change Landscape in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. On the SAP Packages: system landscape name page, click Add.
  4. In the Add a Package dialog, do one of the following:
    • To search the downloadable content for packages, select Search list of packages.

      Select the package that you want to add.

    • To add a custom package, select Custom package.
  5. Click Create.
  6. On the Create New SAP Package page, provide the following information.
    Option Definition

    The name of the package.


    A description of the package (optional).


    Select this check box if the package should be included in the license position.

    Factory comments

    Read-only information on the package’s license requirements.

    Number purchased

    The number of licenses that your organization has purchased for this package.

    Unit price

    The price for one license for this package.

    The currency values that are available in the Unit Price field depend on the settings you selected when you installed IT Asset Management. If required, you can change the available currencies.


    The metric that is used for licensing the package.

    If you selected a package from the list of packages in the Add a package dialog (see step 4 above), this field is already populated.

    Formula name

    Select this option if FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications should calculate the package consumption. The corresponding field shows the formula that will be used. Depending on the package you selected, more than one Formula name field may be displayed.

    This information is available only if you selected a package from the list of packages in the Add a package dialog (see step 4 above).

    Custom rule

    Select this option if FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications should calculate the package consumption based on a custom formula, and enter the custom formula that should be used.

    Self-declared amount

    Select this option if the package consumption should not be calculated by FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications. This option enables you to keep a record of package licenses that cannot or should not be calculated, but that should be managed in IT Asset Management.

    Enter the number of package licenses that have been consumed.

  7. Click Create.

The SAP Package: name page returns to read-only mode, and the package is added to the list of packages on the SAP Packages: system landscape name page.

You can preview the package consumption on the Create New SAP Package page, by clicking Show package consumption in the Preview Results section. For more information, see Previewing the Package Consumption.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
