Showing and Hiding Remote System Evidence

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

If you find that specific instances of evidence do not need further action, you can hide the relevant rows in the grid on the RFC Connections tab. This enables you to focus on the evidence that requires attention.

To hide or show evidence on the RFC Connections tab:

  1. Go to the Indirect Access page (Licenses > SAP Optimization > Indirect Access).
  2. On the Indirect Access page, click the RFC Connections tab. Do one of the following:
    1. To hide evidence, select the remote systems that you want to hide. In the Tasks section, click Hide selected connections.
    2. To show evidence, select the remote systems that you want to show. In the Tasks section, click Show selected connections.

Select the Show hidden remote systems check box if hidden remote systems should be visible on the RFC Connections tab. Selecting or clearing this check box will not change the display status of the remote systems (Yes or No in the Hidden column). Instead, it enables you to display or hide all remote systems that are marked as hidden. The setting of the Show hidden remote systems check box persists when you leave the RFC Connections tab and return to it later.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
