Setting Exemption Reason

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
Tip: Exemptions are not available (and the Exemption reason button remains disabled) for clusters, nor for products that are licensed as part of an IBM Cloud Pak (typically an IBM VPC license type).
You can set an exemption reason using any of the following methods:
  • To add an exemption reason for an inventory device or user, set the selection check box (at the left of each row) for the row in question, and select a value from the Exemption reason drop-down list.
  • To add a common exemption reason to several inventory devices or users, set the selection check box (at the left of each row) for the rows in question, and select a value from the Exemption reason drop-down list.
  • To remove previously-applied exemption(s), use either of the above approaches for a single selection or multi-selection, but this time choose the blank entry at the top of the list.
After making changes, Save the license properties.
Note: Changes to the Exemption reason do not affect the consumption until the next license consumption calculation. Until then, the license consumption remains unchanged.