Processing an Upgrade Purchase
The 'purchase processing wizard' refers to the blue pop-up work area of the Unprocessed Purchases page. The appearance and behavior of this wizard varies depending on all aspects of the purchase. To simplify description, this topic addresses only one case:
Purchasing a separate upgrade for an existing license.
This process covers purchases of separate "upgrade licenses" that are sold as such. This contrasts with a license (typically under maintenance) that allows upgrade and downgrade rights, when you do not need this kind of purchase. With this purchase of a separate upgrade, no new entitlements are added to your total: instead, entitlements are transferred away from the original license to a new, upgraded license.
Start this procedure from the Unprocessed Purchases page.
To process purchases of upgrade licenses:
Select the appropriate row(s) from the list of unprocessed
You may select multiple purchases, as long as they all have a Purchase type of Software upgrade. (If your selection includes other types, the Process button remains disabled. Try selecting fewer purchases.) Keep in mind that when you process multiple purchases, they are all updated with the same details, such as the same source license for the upgrade; so only select multiple purchases when you know you want them all to end up being much the same.Tip: Try grouping your results by the Action column (available in the column chooser). This lets you focus on a subset of purchases that need similar processing.
Click Process.
A new processing area opens above the list.
For the Software Upgrade purchase type, first
identify the source license (the previous license covering the old software now
being upgraded). From the Take entitlements from options,
choose one of:
- a recommended license (when the system offered appropriate suggestions), and select the appropriate source license
- an existing license (search) (when you need
to find the source license yourself), and complete the search to
identify the source license.Tip: Take note of the quantity in the Purchased field for your selected source license. This is the maximum number of entitlements from this license that can be upgraded by all linked upgrade purchases.
Click Set purchase quantities.
A new panel displays details of your selected purchases, allowing you to adjust the number of entitlements to be upgraded by each purchase. The purchase properties displayed are generally straight-forward:
Property Notes Purchase order no. The identifying code of the purchase order authorizing the purchase.
Editable in the Purchase order no. field in the General tab of the purchase properties.
Description Details of the item purchased.
For process automation, it is best practice to include a recognized SKU in this field, or include the exact application name as recorded in the Application Recognition Library.
Editable in the Description field in General tab of the purchase properties (in the Purchase details group).
Purchase type The nature of this purchase, such as software, hardware, maintenance and so on. Determines whether automated processing of the purchase can occur, and whether the purchase can contribute to license entitlements.Tip: At purchase processing time, when the purchase is linked to a license, the purchase type from a recognized SKU is given priority over this Purchase type set in the purchase properties. It is best practice to keep these two values aligned.Note: Automated processing of purchases for software licenses can occur only when the Purchase type is set to one of the following:- Not set
- Software
- Software baseline
- Software maintenance
- Software subscription
- Software upgrade.
Effective quantity Total number of units acquired with this purchase. Depending on purchase type, these 'units' may be license entitlements, or maintenance coverage for this number of license entitlements.
In the case of a Software upgrade purchase, this is the number of entitlements from the original license that can be transferred to the new upgrade license. The value displays in the General tab of the purchase properties.
Max. available When no entitlements have previously been assigned from this purchase, the Max. available is the same as the Effective quantity. However, if you have previously assigned some entitlements to another license, this shows the remainder, which is the most that you can assign from this purchase to a different license.
To be processed By default, this shows the same as the Max. available column, and you cannot increase it past that maximum value. However, you can use the spinner controls (or type directly into the field) to adjust the number to a lesser value if you want to assign fewer entitlements from this purchase to your target license. Mix and match the quantities from your multiple purchases as you require.
Adjust the values in the To be processed field for each purchase until their combined total is less than or equal to the number of entitlements on the source license. When that is the case, the Apply entitlements button is enabled. Click it, and advance to step 7 (skipping these intervening steps that are for processing a single purchase).
Click Apply entitlements.
The processing area switches to the next step, to identify the target license. Because you are processing a single purchase, two read-only values are displayed:
- Upgrades on purchase displays the total available from the upgrade purchase.
- Entitlements available shows the number of license entitlements available on the source license (the one we are upgrading from). If the purchased upgrades value is less than this, you can complete only a partial upgrade with this purchase. If the purchased upgrades value is greater than this, you can (of course) only upgrade the number of entitlements existing on the license; and the rest of the purchase can be assigned to a different license in a subsequent pass through this wizard.
If required, adjust the Quantity to
process field, either by typing in a value or using the spinner
controls, to set the number from this single purchase to assign to the license
you will identify shortly.
By default, this quantity to process is set to the lesser of the Upgrades on purchase and Entitlements available fields. This figure is the most that can be upgraded from the source license by the chosen purchase.
- If the Quantity to process field (as adjusted) is less than the Upgrades on purchase value, you are splitting the purchase across multiple licenses, and can make another pass through this wizard later to assign the remaining entitlements.
- If the Quantity to process field (as adjusted) is less than the Entitlements available value, you are splitting the original source license, leaving some installations on the old version while others are upgraded. (You may wish to consider using group entitlements or individual allocations to ensure that the correct license is applied to the correct users.)
Choose an option from the Apply
to drop-down list:
Option Description a recommended license This option is selected by default when the system suggests suitable licenses in the list below. The list of suggested licenses displays:- Priority, as determined through the internal recommendation process
- License, displaying the Name from the license properties
- Reason, being a note of explanation about why this license appears. For example, a license may be recommended because the purchase Matches an application version lower than the highest available (meaning that the only match is against an earlier version of the application).
an existing license (search) Choose this when you know that an appropriate license exists, but it has not been selected by the automated process (when no license is recommended, this choice is the default). With this choice, a new Licenses control is shown below the drop-down list: click in the field to activate the Search control. Optionally, enter a few characters from the license name or publisher to focus the returned set of licenses; and click Search (details of the search result fields are in Fields Available in License Search Results). Select one license from the search results, and click Add license. a new license (create) Use when there is no relevant license previously recorded in IT Asset Management, or when you need a new license with a different set of use rights. The new license is prepared based on the properties of the purchase. (You may need to modify these defaults in the license properties thereafter.) If a known SKU is recognized in the purchase(s), the new license is based on the appropriate template from the Product Use Rights Libraries. Otherwise, later pages will let you provide more details, after setting the maintenance provisions. When the license question is settled, the Set maintenance button is enabled. -
Click Set maintenance.
Tip: Ideally, the maintenance details should be set in the General tab of the purchase properties, and if present there, they are copied into the recommendation. However, the maintenance options are still offered here for those purchases where the maintenance settings were not completed in the purchase properties. Any change you make in this panel will be written into the license record (in the Support upgrades until a set date field in the Upgrade rights section of the Use rights & rules tab), replacing any information available from the purchase(s), while the purchase records themselves are left unchanged.
From the Maintenance type
drop-down list, choose one of:
- None when the purchase does not involve any support or maintenance options
- Contract when the purchase is covered by an existing contract. Then choose to Use settings from either a recommended contract (choose one from the list of recommendations displayed), or an existing contract (search), and use the search controls as usual.
- Fixed when a fixed period
of maintenance is included in this purchase. The system proposes an end date
for the fixed maintenance period by inferring a start date and adding a
proposed duration. The start date (not displayed here) is taken from the
first available of:
- Maintenance Effective date on the General tab of the purchase properties
- The Invoice date on the Financial tab of the purchase properties
- The Purchase date on the General tab of the purchase properties.
- If an Expiry date is shown in Maintenance section of the General tab of the purchase properties, this date is used as the end date
- If a recognized SKU is attached to the purchase, and the standard SKU definition includes a maintenance period, then this period is added to the start date to give an end date
- One year is added to the start date to give the end date.
Warning: This control adjusts only the end date of the maintenance period, and does not adjust its start date. This means, for example, that if you move an end date forward by three months, you are effectively converting a 12-month maintenance purchase to 15 months. A safer path forward is to edit the purchase properties outside the wizard to ensure that the Effective date and Expiry date for maintenance are defining the correct period for the maintenance purchase. Once the purchase is linked to the appropriate license, edits to these dates automatically update the license use rights.If the destination license is linked to a product for which the Application Recognition Library defines multiple versions, another control appears for To version. If the maintenance ends after a particular release, pick the last covered version from this drop-down list, and make sure that the associated check box is selected.Tip: You cannot process the purchase with Fixed maintenance until at least one check box is set for Until or To version. (When only the Until control is visible, ensure that the check box remains selected.) - Unlimited, which, although unusual, means there is no end date for the maintenance. The start date (not displayed) is determined by the same process as for Fixed, described above; but no end date is set.
Process the recommendation as you have amended it. (The
button says Process when the target license exists, or
Process and create a license when you chose the
option for a new license.)
The next actions depend on the license you chose:
- For an existing license with complete details, the wizard area closes. See the results described at the end of this topic.
- Where the license is to be created, and it can be sufficiently defined from the purchase record (for example, through a recognized SKU), its properties appear, and you can continue with step 11.
- Where a new license is required, but insufficient information is available (for example, when no SKU has been recognized, and the purchase description does not exactly match a previously created license), the Create a License page appears. Your purchase is already listed for the new license (and does not need to be selected or further processed). Continue with these sub-steps.
In the Application to license section, use the
Search control to identify the application covered by this purchase.
For details, see To Use a Fly-Down. When you have selected the Application, the controls in the next section are enabled and populated with options and defaults.
Complete the details in the Purchase
overview section:
Control Notes Purchase type The method or process used for this purchase.
- OEM — A purchase from an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) that included the software license, such as the operating system license supplied when you buy or lease hardware.
- Retail — A purchase direct from a retailer, generally
without influence by other agreements (purchasing agreements, maintenance agreements).
Microsoft calls this a Fully Packaged Product (FPP) purchase.
- Subscription — A purchase that requires regular payments to maintain the subscription.
- Volume — A purchase subject to a volume purchasing agreement.
In some cases, this list defaults to All. With this setting, the Purchase type does not affect the choice of License model (further down the page).
Purchasing program Only enabled when you select Volume (or All) as the Purchase type. You may only select from the options in the drop-down list (you cannot type new values into the field).
The purchasing program offered by the software publisher.
Available only for major vendors.
Maintenance Only enabled when you select Volume (or All) as the Purchase type.
Choose Yes or No if you are clear about whether the purchase includes software maintenance, and otherwise accept the default Any.License type The kind of license, which determines what properties are available for the license, and how compliance is calculated for the license.
For summary information about each license type, see the Glossary entries (expand the table of contents in the left-hand panel).
License name If the license is created automatically, the license is given a default name. You may edit the name, although this may make later update purchases more complicated. The defaults may be derived in the following ways:- When the license is created from a license model, the default name is derived from the licensed software product (the application name, without any reference to a specific version).
- When the license is created by importing a Microsoft License Statement (MLS)
in a spreadsheet, the license name combines the
, andEdition
values listed in the MLS record. - When the license is created while processing a purchase order line, and that
purchase order line used a recognized SKU, the
from the SKU is used as the default license name. This typically includes the publisher, product name, version, license type, and language. - On the other hand, if a purchase order line does not use a recognized SKU,
the default license name is copied from the PO line
As you make changes to these values, the suggestions for a License model may be updated.
If a suitable license model displays in the list, select it.
Tip: Try clearing the check box for Show only recommended license models to see more models, but choose carefully.A license model is a faster way to configure the new license you are creating, but it is not mandatory. Even if you cannot find a suitable license model, you can still proceed.
When you have the best possible settings, click
After a short time, the properties page for your new license appears. (The related purchase is already linked, and visible in the Purchases tab.)
- You may edit the license properties as required, and when finished, click Save.
- Click Close to exit from the license properties and return to Unprocessed Purchases.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)