All Payments Page

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The All Payments page provides a central location to manage forthcoming payments recorded in IT Asset Management.

Payments are recorded as installments on payment schedules; and each payment schedule is defined with (and permanently attached to) a contract. By default, this page lists every installment (past and future, paid and pending) on every payment schedule (and contract). You can use grouping, searching, and filtering to locate the set of installments (payments) that you want (for example, filter the list to all those installments for February 2015, or your current month of interest). Then you can select all the displayed installments (or the subset you require) and update these as paid.

From this page, you can:
  • Use Installment paid to mark selected installments as paid (this changes their Installment status to Complete)
  • Use Cancel installment to reject selected installments (this changes their Installment status to Not going to pay)
  • Select exactly one installment from the list, and click Open to inspect or edit its other properties. For example, if you want to change the actual amount paid for the installment, you must open its properties. (Depending on your corporate procedures, you may also wish to clear the Obligated to pay check box once payments have been made.) Another way to open the fly-up properties of the individual installment is to click the Installment name in the list. For more information, see Making a Scheduled Payment.
    Tip: Clicking the Payment schedule name navigates away to the overall properties of the payment schedule. Clicking the Contract name navigates away to the contract's properties.
The following columns (listed alphabetically) are available in the list of payments. Some are displayed by default, and others are available in the column chooser.
Note: The Save view as feature of IT Asset Management enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Saved Views.
Property Notes
Actual/fixed amount (currency)

The amount paid (in the final event).

Not available when the Payment schedule type is EA Other Application or EA Professional Platform.

Otherwise edit the actual amounts paid as required after each payment is made. Recording a payment made is described above in the list of tasks.
Budgeted amount (currency)

The budget projection for this scheduled payment.

Not available when the Payment schedule type is EA Other Application or EA Professional Platform.

Otherwise editable as described above in the list of tasks.

The name (or brief description) of the contract.

Editable in the Description field in the General tab of the contract properties.

Contract status

The current standing of this contract. The following options are provided: Active, Archived, Cancelled, Completed, Draft, Expired, and Suspended.

Editable in the Status field in the General tab of the contract properties.

Due date

The date planned for payment of this installment.

Estimated amount (currency)

The projected cost of each installment.

Not available when the Payment schedule type is EA Other Application or EA Professional Platform.

Otherwise editable as described above, either in a pop-up editor or directly in the list.

The name of each installment, created from payment frequency information. Examples include March, 2015, Week 47, 2015, and CY QI 2016 (a reminder that the quarters are numbered for the calendar year rather than an arbitrary fiscal year).

Installment status

Whether the installment is paid (Complete), not yet fully paid (Incomplete ), or skipped (Not going to pay).

Editable in this tab as describe in the list of tasks above.
Obligated to pay

Indicates whether there is a legal or contractual obligation to make each of the scheduled payments.

The default values were determined when the payment schedule was created. You may edit the obligation individually for each payment.
Payment date

The date that the actual payment was made.

Payment schedule name

The name given to this payment schedule at creation (or at last edit).

Set in the Create a Payment Schedule page. Editable in the General tab of the payment schedule properties.

Payment schedule type

The kind of payments being scheduled, as determined when the payment schedule was created.


The count used as a multiplier for Unit price (and, where applicable, Software Assurance unit price) values. May represent computers or license entitlements, as the need requires.

Not available when the Metric for the payment schedule is Fixed.

Initially set when the payment schedule was created, and you may edit the value in this tab (as described in the list of tasks above).
SA unit price (currency)

Annual cost of Software Assurance per computer in your next true up.

Set when the payment schedule is created, and then editable in the Installments tab of the payment schedule properties.

Available only when the Payment schedule type is either EA Other Application or EA Professional Platform.

Unit price (currency)

The per-computer (or per license) contribution to the installment cost.

Set when the payment schedule is created, and then editable in the Installments tab of the payment schedule properties.

Not available when the Metric for this payment schedule is Fixed.

Vendor name

The main company with which you concluded this contract.

The Primary vendor value is editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Identification group).

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
