Precedence Tab

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

Applications may return different levels of evidence, depending on the evidence type and source. This evidence may not contain certain information, such as version or edition. The application precedence uses the application precedence hierarchy to automatically replace an application record with another (more detailed) application record found on the same inventory device. This way, IT Asset Management only counts the most relevant application installation record on a device. For example, the application record for SQL Server 2012 Enterprise edition will supersede and replace the application record for SQL Server 2012 (unspecified edition) when found on the same computer. The precedence hierarchy is defined and regularly updated in the Application Recognition Library.

The Precedence tab under application properties enables you to view the set precedence hierarchy for an application. This tab displays the precedence hierarchy for the current application. It has the following two sections:
  • Removes: This section displays the application record(s) that are superseded by the current application. If the current application is installed on a device, any of application records in this list will not be recognized.
  • Removed by: This section displays the application record(s) that will supersede the current application. If any of the applications from this list is installed on a device, the current application will not be recognized.
    Note: The information on this page is read-only.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
