Inventory Device Matching
- Existing database records of inventory devices: These reproduce entries found (for example) in the All Inventory page, and these columns are grouped under a heading of Inventory device properties. A single inventory device database record may appear multiple times in this listing, once for every incoming inventory record that was matched to it. (Other records from your All Inventory page may be missing from this listing if they have not been matched by imported inventory – for example, manually-created computer records, computers imported through a business adapter, or inventory devices automatically created to match imported asset records.)
- Imported inventory: Grouped under the heading Raw inventory
device properties, these records are "raw" in the sense of being
original and untouched, as received from the inventory source. No normalization
has been applied to these columns (for example, if different inventory sources
report properties of the same inventory device in different ways, you can see
all those differences in these columns). In general, there is a simple mapping
between a "raw" attribute and the "normalized" attribute in the inventory device
record (for example, the Raw chassis number after import
and possible merging appears as the Chassis number in the
Inventory device properties). To save space and
repetition, only summary notes are given below for the raw attributes, and for
more details, you may look back to the equivalent in the first set.Tip: As always, the set of imported data includes all imports, including your historical import results, as updated by the most recent import on the date of the last reconcile. In this way, even if there is a device that temporarily misses out on inventory gathering, its previous inventory still contributes to the inventory device matching and record updates.
- How these two data sets were matched: The columns that (by default) are
in between the above two data sets, grouped under Rules
results, explain several aspects of the process:
- What processing rule matched the incoming and existing data
- For some cases, the particular properties matched
- If the top priority/best quality match was not available, what weaker rule was used to give the best available result under the conditions.
- All the incoming inventory records are compared with each other, using the various matching rules in order. They are grouped into "clumps" of records that match each other, representing the same device.
- Each existing inventory device (technically, each record in the
table) is then tested against the incoming inventory records. When any match is found, the match is recorded against every incoming record in that same clump of matching inventory imports. - The properties of the incoming clump of inventory records are checked against
the current inventory device (
) to see whether any additions or updates to its properties are required.
table of inventory devices. However, this may
mean that a complete understanding of a merge requires that you read a chain of matched
results. - The existing inventory device record is repeated in each row in the first set of Inventory device properties
- Imports A and B each get a row where they populate the Raw inventory device properties (and there are no "secondary" values required or shown)
- Import C also has a row in the Raw inventory device properties, but since it was only matched through device B, this row shows that intermediary device B as a "secondary" device under Rules results, as explained in the columns below.
Because this listing of matches can include almost all your inventory device records, multiplied by all the inventory sources that each one appears in, the total number of results can be unmanageable in even a reasonably-sized environment. The page is not intended to be read as an unfiltered mass, but used as an investigative tool to probe individual devices through searching and filtering.
One particularly effective way to focus your investigation is to start from the All Inventory page, where you can add the Matched raw devices column from the column chooser. This displays the number of matched inventory records as a hyperlink to this page – when you click the hyperlinked number, this page appears pre-filtered to show only the incoming inventory related to the existing inventory device database record you originally selected. You then have a large number of properties available here in the column chooser, both for the existing database record and the original inventory sources, which you can pick and choose to assist your investigation. (For the existing database records, the properties are not limited to those available in the All Inventory page, but include others from the inventory device properties page.)
The following columns, shown first in their groups and within those listed alphabetically, are available. For help with adding or removing columns, see Managing Columns in a Table.
Inventory device properties | |
Property name | Details |
Chassis number |
The chassis number assigned to (or reported for) the device. It is a
manufacturer-provided identification code that you can use for identification and inventory
purposes. For Windows-based computers, it is often displayed on the back of the computer's
case, and often the same as the serial number. For UNIX-based computers, you can use system
commands similar to Note: Depending on the operating system and hardware type, the
Host identifying number of some inventory devices takes this
Chassis number value.
Not available for Mobile Device and Virtual Machine inventory device types. |
Domain name |
The name of the domain to which the computing device
Tip: Records fabricated for special purposes display
special values:
Firmware serial number |
Displays the firmware serial number of an inventory device. This is a unique identification number for an inventory device. Normally available only for partitions and the hosts where those partitions are executing. Not available for Mobile Device, Remote Device, or VDI Template inventory device types. |
Host ID |
Typically displays None, except in a
few cases:
Tip: A simpler way to identify the host for most VMs is to check
the Host field on the VM
properties tab of its inventory device properties.
This field displays None for:
Host type |
The type (or model) of a physical host computer. Generally known for stand-alone devices and for partitions on UNIX-like platforms, and is used for matching incoming inventory records. Not available for virtual machines. |
Hosted in |
Shows whether the inventory device is on-premises (the default, meaning the device is within your enterprise), or in a cloud operated by a particular service provider. For some cloud service providers (like AWS and Azure), the Hosted in value is set automatically through inventory. For other cloud service providers, you must make a selection manually. |
ILMT agent id |
The unique ID used by the ILMT agent on this device (only available when either the ILMT agent or the FlexNet Inventory Agent is the inventory source). |
Instance ID |
The unique identification code supplied by your cloud service provider to represent this virtual machine (or instance). Used for matching with incoming inventory to create/update an inventory device record. |
Inventory device type |
Specifies the type of the inventory device, which may be any of the
following values:
Last inventory date |
The date when the most recent inventory information was collected by the Last inventory source for this inventory device. The inventory process generates the value of this field. |
Machine ID |
The name assigned to this device.
Not available for Mobile Device, Remote Device, or VDI Template inventory device types. |
Manufacturer |
The manufacturer of the inventory device.
Tip: If the device
is a virtual machine (such as Linux KVM), this column may display the publisher
of the software that is running the VM.
Model |
The manufacturer’s model name or number for this device. |
Name |
The name of the inventory device. The compliance calculation updates
this field with the machine name returned in inventory (matched by several
properties, including serial number).
Tip: The name displays as
Flexera SaaS Manager if this is a dummy device
record created for imports from your Flexera One SaaS Management connector.
Partition ID |
Populated only for appropriate virtualization technologies (and otherwise blank), this is the unique identifier for the partition returned in inventory by the virtual host. |
Partition number |
An alternative method of identifying a partition used by some virtualization technologies. Sometimes this is used in conjunction with the Partition ID, in which case the Partition number is often the last digit of the complete ID. |
Serial number |
The serial number of the device, attempting to uniquely identify either
the hardware (for a stand-alone device) or the virtualization container (for a
virtual machine), as reported in inventory.
Tip: This displays
Flexera SaaS Manager with a numerical suffix in
the special case where the inventory device is a dummy record created for
linking with imports through your Flexera One SaaS Management connector.
Service inventory date |
The date when inventory was last collected from the Oracle Database (where one is installed on the inventory device). |
The unique identification number of the computer (in the byte order reported in inventory). Applicable only to inventory devices of the type Virtual Machine. |
VM name |
The name of the virtual machine that is recognized by the host server. |
VM type |
The type of the virtual machine. |
Rule results | |
Property name | Details |
Matching rule |
The rule used during inventory import that caused the current raw
inventory to be matched to the current inventory device record
in the compliance database. Possible values include:
For details about the matching rules, see Identifying Related Inventory in Gathering FlexNet Inventory available at |
Secondary matched device |
A "go-between" device that matches the incoming raw inventory record, and is already known to be matched to the existing inventory device record. By "transitive" logic (if A=B and B=C, then it follows that C=A), this secondary device shows that the incoming record is also matched to the inventory device. |
Secondary matched inventory source |
The inventory source from which the inventory device listed in Secondary matched device was imported. |
Secondary matching rule |
The rule that was used to determine that the secondary device was matched to the incoming inventory record shown in this row. |
Raw inventory device properties | |
Property name | Details |
Incomplete record |
A Boolean flag set when the data is imported from the inventory source into the staging tables in the compliance database. It displays Yes when the source record is missing important attributes (typically necessary hardware properties, such as when inventory is reported for an Oracle database instance without hardware data for the host; or an inventory source reported only the device name and domain name, but no hardware details), and No when the record is considered good and complete. |
Inventory source |
The display name of the inventory connection. These names were created when the inventory connection was originally set up. |
Primary inventory source |
A Boolean column that displays:
Raw chassis number |
The chassis number assigned by the manufacturer and reported for the device in the inventory upload. |
Raw domain name |
The name of the domain to which the computing device belongs. Often blank in inventory from non-Windows devices. |
Raw firmware serial number |
Displays the firmware serial number for a partition, or the host where a partition is executing. Normally expected only for UNIX-like platforms. |
Raw host id |
See details under Host ID above (frequently empty). |
Raw host type |
The type (or model) of a physical host computer, or a partition on a UNIX-like platform. |
Raw hosted in |
Shows whether the inventory device is in a cloud operated by AWS or Azure. |
Raw ILMT agent id |
The unique ID used by the ILMT agent on this device (and so, for most inventory sources, blank). |
Raw instance id |
The unique identification code supplied by your cloud service provider to represent this virtual machine (or instance). |
Raw inventory device type |
Specifies the reported type of the inventory device. For possible values, see the previous table entry for Inventory device type. |
Raw last inventory date |
The date of the most recent inventory import through the Inventory source collecting this raw inventory. |
Raw machine id |
For AIX, it is the System ID. For HP-UX, it is the Machine/Software ID. It is empty for other platforms. |
Raw manufacturer |
The manufacturer of the device, as reported in the uploaded inventory. Notice that this value depends on both the information stored on the inventory device itself, and on the particular inventory tool gathering the information (which may apply some normalization). |
Raw model |
The manufacturer’s model name or number for this device. |
Raw name |
The name of the inventory device, as gathered by the inventory tool that is imported through the Inventory source connection shown in this table row. |
Raw partition id |
Populated only for appropriate virtualization technologies (and otherwise blank), this is the unique identifier for the partition generated by the managing virtualization platform and returned in inventory by the virtual host. |
Raw partition number |
When available, the number of this partition on the virtual host. |
Raw serial number |
The serial number of the device, attempting to uniquely identify either the hardware (for a stand-alone device) or the virtualization container (for a virtual machine). |
Raw service inventory date |
The date when inventory was last collected from the Oracle Database (when present on the device). |
Raw UUID |
The unique identification number of the virtual machine (in the byte order reported in inventory). |
Raw VM name |
The name of the virtual machine that is recognized by the host server. |
Raw VM type |
The type of the virtual machine, with possible values like VMware, Hyper-V, LPAR, Zone, Oracle VM, AWS EC2, and others. |
IT Asset Management (Cloud)