Devices Tab for Installer Evidence

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The Devices tab of the Installer Evidence Properties enables you to view the devices linked to this evidence.

For more details about using column grouping and choosing columns, see Grouping Items in Lists and Managing Columns in a Table

The following table lists all columns available on the Devices tab.

Column name Details
Domain name

The name of the domain to which the associated computing device belongs.

The name of the inventory device. The compliance calculation updates this field with the machine name returned in inventory (matched by several properties, including serial number).
Tip: The name displays as Flexera SaaS Manager if this is a dummy device record created for imports from your Flexera One SaaS Management connector.
Inventory date

The date when inventory information was most recently collected by the Last inventory source for the linked inventory device.

Inventory device type
Specifies the type of the inventory device, which may be any of the following values:
  • Cluster — A cluster of several computers, typically managed by Kubernetes and with consumption reported by the IBM License Service (which does not allow for further breakdown, for example to individual hosts or VMs within the cluster)
  • Computer — A computing device like a desktop, laptop, workstation, or a non-virtualized server.
  • Mobile device — A mobile device like a tablet or smart phone.
  • Product — Not a device type, but a pseudo-value used only in IBM VPC licenses to identify rows showing the licensed IBM product. This value may appear only if the Bundle consumption rules (in the license properties Use Rights & Rules tab, under License consumption rules) have the option Consume for each product on a device selected.
  • Remote Device — The device is a remote device (not appearing in inventory) known to have accessed virtualized applications. This value is created automatically.
  • VDI Template — The VDI template used to create the virtual desktop instance that was accessed from an inventory device (see Virtual Desktop Templates). This value is created automatically.
  • Virtual Machine — A virtual machine running on a physical host machine. A physical host can run multiple virtual machines using virtualization technologies from VMWare, Oracle, Microsoft, and so on. Note that this value is also used for a record fabricated to represent an Oracle Database running on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).
  • VM Host — A physical virtual host running one or more virtual machines using any virtualization technology, such as VMWare.
Note: You may notice a difference between the Matches field on the General tab and the number of devices listed in the Devices tab. Some reasons for this include:
  • Multiple imported evidences are linked to the same piece of evidence. This may occur due to wild-carding of evidence.

  • The evidence may exist multiple times on the one device. For example, the same file can reside in several directories.

  • Oracle Database options may be used for multiple Oracle Database instances.

  • You have imported evidence from multiple inventory sources for the same device.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
