Business Import Rejection Messages Page

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
This page does not appear in any navigation menus, and is accessible only by clicking a hyperlink such as 2 row(s) found with rejection messages in the task status of a business import.
Tip: It is convenient to open this page in a separate browser tab. There is no navigation available within the page, and separate tabs allows faster evaluation of the results.
The page displays the detailed rejection messages received for the single, most recently attempted import from a particular business connection. The particular business import is identified with the following fields at the top of the page:
Field Details

Import name

The name of the business import (or connection). This repeats the import name from which you clicked through for more details.

Beacon server

The name of the inventory beacon on which the import ran.

Last run

The date and time of the business import that produced these results.

The remainder of the page displays the rejection messages that resulted from this business import. The following columns are available in this list:
Column Details

Row number

The number of the data row within the import. Because business imports are potentially complex and may affect many database objects with each row, there may be several rejection messages arising from a common row number (relating to the separate database objects within that row). This means a given row number may be repeated several times in the list.

Rejection message

The reason that the data import of the given object was rejected. Possible reasons include the following:
  • Null or empty value was found in criteria field [fieldName] — The database object could not be matched or created because the mandatory key field (its name is displayed instead of the placeholder fieldName) was missing from the data stream.
  • The column 'fieldName', that is used for matching, has not been supplied — Similarly, the column used for matching against existing entries in the central database is missing a value in the rejected row.
  • value 'incomingValue' does not exist in static table 'DBTableName'. Relevant data will be discarded. — The row of incoming data depended on a match with a text value pre-existing in a table of text values in the central database. Because the incoming value did not already exist in the central database, the data row (or at least the object(s) in the row that depend on the matching value) is rejected.
  • The XMLProperty (Name=[propertyName] Type = [missingPropertyName]) in object [DBObject] does not exist in the database. — In the XML file for the business adapter, a Property object is defined with a Type attribute value (instead of the placeholder missingPropertyName) that doesn't exist in the central database. You can check the valid properties of the DBObject in IT Asset Management Schema Reference. A likely cause for this problem is a typographical error in the Type attribute, which must exactly match the property name in the central database schema.
  • The mandatory [groupcn] property was not found in the XML definition for this object. Object was not processed. — In the XML file for the business adapter, the definition of this object is missing a reference to an enterprise group that is required in the database schema. No objects matching this flawed definition can be imported until the XML file is corrected (and the adapter re-run).
  • Field fieldName has unrecognized boolean value; (or datetime, numeric, or integer value) – For the data row with the rejection, the value in the fieldName field does not match the data type declared for this column.
  • objectName/fieldName is a mandatory property - value was not provided; — This record is missing a mandatory value in the column identified in the rejection message. This prevented creation of a new row in the central database table (that is, a new instance of the object could not be created). Correct the data and re-run the import.
  • objectName/fieldName is empty or null - record cannot be updated as property is mandatory; — Similar to the previous case, but this time it was an update (rather than creation) that was prevented.
  • Property fieldName of object objectName removed; the column 'columnName' was not found in the import table 'stagingTableName'. It may be missing from your source query. — Because the data column is missing from the staging table, no values for the matching property could be inserted into the database. However, the underlying objectName objects may have been created or updated in other ways, independent of the value of this property. This normally indicates a problem with the source data, or the query used to gather it.
  • ERROR: No properties specified with UseForMatching="true" for the object [objectName]. — This is an error in the XML file for the adapter that drives this connection. At least one property must be available for matching the incoming data against items already existing in the central database.
  • Null or empty value was found in criteria field [fieldName]; — This field must contain a value in every record.
  • SQL Value fields are not supported in secure mode. — Because this adapter is being run on an inventory beacon remote from the central application server (also called 'disconnected mode'), there is increased security to protect the central operations databases from attack. As part of this security, SQL Value fields are disallowed.
  • [fieldName] empty, value defaulted to value. — For the row triggering this message, the named field has no value (empty or null). For this reason, the import process has supplied the default value shown in this message.
  • ERROR: At least a computer [complicancecomputerid] or a user [complianceuserid] property is mandatory for software allocations. — This import attempts to make license allocations, wherein entitlements under a license are tied to either a computer or a user; but neither of these targets has been specified for the row triggering this message.
  • [fieldName] property is mandatory for [importName] import definition. Operation aborted. — The XML file for this adapter requires the fieldName property, but it is missing from the incoming data flow, and the import is cancelled.
  • Property fieldName has been truncated to newLength character length. — In this row of input data, the value of fieldName is longer than the maximum size limit, and the value has been truncated to that size limit.
  • No [objectName] can be created; [fieldName] property is missing. — The incoming data stream does not contain the fieldName property at all (the column is missing), and since this is required for creation of the objectName database objects, none can be created. See also the following similar issues.
  • No [objectName] can be created; [fieldName] property is empty or null. — In this case, the column is present in the incoming data stream; but in this row there is no value for fieldName, so that this instance of an objectName cannot be created.
  • No [objectName] can be created; both [field1Name] and [field2Name]  properties are empty or null. — Similarly to the previous case, no objectName instance can be created for this row, even though two alternate fields could serve as sufficient for record creation; but both of these fields are missing values.
There are many other possible rejection messages. The examples above may help to interpret similar messages.

Trace field value

When the business adapter for this import is opened in the Business Adapter Studio, you can identify a particular data column as the 'trace field' to help identify rows of data. (If you hand-craft the XML file for your adapter, this is the TraceField attribute of the Import element. For more information, see Using FlexNet Business Adapters.) For example, if you are importing contract details, you may have identified the contract number as the trace field. Where such a trace field has been identified for the adapter, the value of that column in the current data row is displayed here.

Object name

The name of the database object that triggered the rejection message. Typically this object is the focus of a subset of the data columns within the row. For example, if you are importing purchases, some columns identify the applicable currency and exchange rate snapshot that apply to the purchase.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
