Configure Product Use Rights

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
You can set the product use rights for each product that is linked to this multi-product license. Follow these steps:
  1. On the License Properties page, click the Use rights & rules tab.
  2. If necessary, click to expand the Licensed products and upgrade/downgrade rights accordion section. This lists the products linked to this license.
  3. Click the edit link under the Edit use rights column to edit the product use rights. IT Asset Management displays the Product use rights pop up.
  4. Configure any of the following properties and click OK.
    Tip: Do remember to save the license properties after you have configured the product use rights.
The Product use rights pop up has the following sections:
  • Product or supplementary product
  • IBM Cloud Pak bundle consumption rules section appears only when all of the following are true:
    • This is an IBM VPC license
    • You have chosen to edit the use rights for a primary product in an IBM bundle
    • The license has already been saved with the Bundle consumption rules (in the License consumption rules accordion section of the Use rights & rules tab) set to Consume for each product on a device
  • Supplementary product rules section appears only when either of the following is true:
    • This is a multi-product license (excluding licenses for IBM Cloud Pak bundles) that includes one or more supplementary product(s), or
    • This is a VPC license for which the Bundle consumption rules have already been saved as Consume once for each device
      Tip: VPC licenses can only have their supplementary products configured when Consume once for each device has been selected and saved.
  • Upgrade rights (see Upgrade Rights)
  • Downgrade rights (see Downgrade Rights).

Product or supplementary product

Enables you to specify if the product is primary or supplementary for this multi-product license. A multi-product license may have multiple primary or supplementary (or both) products. When you add subsequent products to a license (after adding the first one), the Product is primary option is selected by default.

Control Details
Product is primary

Describes if this product is primary for this license. This option is selected by default when you add an additional product to a multi-product license.

Tip: If this product is the primary product in an IBM Cloud Pak for which the Bundle consumption rules have already been saved as Consume for each product on a device, this selection exposes the IBM Cloud Pak bundle consumption rules section of the pop-up dialog.
A multi-product license covers a group of software products that are sold together as a bundle under a single license. Different publishers structure their bundles in different ways. For example:
  • For IBM, a bundle usually focuses around one (or sometimes more than one) primary product, to which the license mainly applies. Provided that the primary product is installed, you are also permitted to install one or more supplementary products at no additional cost. (Typically, the supplementary products are co-installed on the same inventory device as the primary product; but some licenses allow the supplementary products to be installed on a separate device, still covered by the same license. Check license terms carefully.)
  • For other publishers, a bundle usually collects products as equals. For example, the Microsoft Office 365 bundle includes Microsoft Office (in itself, a suite), Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange, and so on. The bundle license permits use of any or all of these products, in any combination, on any one inventory device. There is no concept of primary and supplementary products here.
To cater for all kinds of bundles, multi-product licenses in IT Asset Management supports primary and supplementary products on a multi-product license. In the case, like the Microsoft example above, of a 'bundle of equals', all the products on the multi-product license can be primary (it is not required to have supplementary products). The one multi-product license covers all the products, both primary and supplementary (where these are differentiated). By default, multi-product licenses have a higher priority for consumption than a single-product license attached to the same application record. This means that having a single primary product installed can be sufficient to link an inventory device to the multi-product license, and in the absence of other factors like exemptions, to trigger consumption from this license in the next reconciliation (for more details, see How Does License Consumption Order Work?).
Product is supplementary Describes whether this product is supplementary for this multi-product license. For any license type other than IBM VPC, selecting this option makes the Supplementary product rules section (described below) available.

Because an IBM VPC license can be configured in various ways, for a VPC license the Supplementary product rules section is only displayed when the Bundle consumption rules have already been saved as Consume once for each device (that is, when the IBM VPC license covers the entire device).

IBM Cloud Pak bundle consumption rules

This section is only available when all of the following are true:
  • This is an IBM VPC license
  • You have chosen to edit the use rights for a primary product in an IBM bundle
  • The license has already been saved with the Bundle consumption rules (in the License consumption rules accordion section of the Use rights & rules tab) set to Consume for each product on a device
It contains just the one setting:
Control Details
Ratio of product to Cloud Pak bundle consumption Use the two spin controls to type in or spin up the values that specify how many cores may be assigned to run the primary product (in the left-hand spinner) for a number of license entitlements for the Cloud Pak (the right-hand spinner). For example, if you spin up the ratio 2 : 1, this means that every two virtual processor cores in use for the same product consume one Cloud Pak license entitlement. If, on the same server, two VMs each assigned 2 cores have that same product installed, that is a total of 4 VPC. Applying the example 2 : 1 ratio means that the 4 VPCs consume 2 license entitlements. Ratios may vary widely across products, so that normal best practice is to allow this ratio to be set by the downloaded Application Recognition Library and SKU Library, and then leave it unchanged.

Supplementary product rules

For most multi-product license types (except VPC), selecting Product is supplementary above enables you to view and modify the supplementary product rules.
Tip: For an IBM VPC license, this section is only available when the license covers the entire device, because the Bundle consumption rules have already been saved as Consume once for each device.
Control Details
Measure for compliance Select this check box if you want IT Asset Management to measure the installation of this product for compliance. In a typical multi-product license, the supplementary product installation does not consume entitlements, and you can leave this check box clear.
Ratio of this supplementary product to primary product(s) Available only when Measure for compliance is selected, this option is mainly useful for Core Points licenses like IBM PVU. Here you can specify the ratio of this supplementary product to its primary product(s). For example, if every two installations of the primary product allow a free installation of this supplementary product, use the number spinners to set the ratio to 1:2 (the supplementary product count comes first).

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
