Unassigned Subnets

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
The Unassigned Subnets page lists all the subnets that are not assigned to any inventory beacon. You can assign any of these subnets to an inventory beacon. The Unassigned Subnets page enables you to perform the following actions:
  • Search for an unassigned subnet: For more information about using lists, filters, and other UI options, see the topics under Using Lists in IT Asset Management.
  • Assign subnets to a beacon: See Assigning a Subnet to a Beacon
  • Create a management view: The Save view as feature of IT Asset Management enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Saved Views.

The following subnet properties are available for display. IT Asset Management displays some of these properties by default whereas others are available through the Choose columns option:

Table 1. Site or subnet properties
Property Description
Site name

Specifies a site name to which the subnet belongs to. A site can have multiple subnets, each with its own IP address.

Editable in the subnets page.


Specifies a subnet IP address in CIDR notation. A site can have multiple subnets, each with a unique IP address.

Editable in the subnets page.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
