SKU Browser

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
Note: This new feature functionality will be made available for customers by way of a staged rollout which will gradually increase over the upcoming weeks. For now, the SKU Browser is only available for a limited number of customers.
Important: The SKU Library role must be assigned to users in order to view SKU information. Three privileges are available in the drop-down: Read only, None, and Custom. See Creating a Role page for guidance on how to assign roles to users.
Important: By default, users with administrator rights are given the Read only privilege. Users (including administrators) cannot create, delete or modify SKU records. SKU information is read-only.

The SKU Browser displays any software SKU which is recognized and populated in the IT Asset Management SKU library. A maximum of 100 SKU records are displayed in the grid.

On accessing the SKU Browser, you can enter a SKU number and browse publishers, applications and their extended descriptions. You can also search by publisher and product to return a list of SKUs along with additional information to help you choose the most relevant option.

For SKU information to populate the SKU Browser, a batch processor sub-task called Software SKU and License Definition Updates will automatically run after the ARL Import has finished. The Software SKU and License Definition Updates sub-task cannot be manually triggered and will only run after the ARL Importing sub-task has completed. Note: The Software SKU and License Definition Updates sub-task is not visible under System Tasks in a multi-tenanted environment.

To auto-populate SKU details in a purchase order on the Purchase Order Upload screen, select a checkbox for a SKU record and then click Create a purchase. You can open SKU properties for a particular SKU by clicking on the SKU number in the grid, or by selecting a checkbox for a SKU record and then clicking Open.

Navigate to the SKU Browser in IT Asset Management by navigating to Procurement > SKU Library > SKU Browser.

Important: The SKU Browser grid will appear empty and not display any SKU information if the following task has not been ran beforehand: Software SKU And License Definition Updates.

The following columns (listed alphabetically) are available.

Please keep in mind that some columns may be optional and accessible by means of the column chooser to limit the default number of columns displayed.

Name Details

A description of the product represented by the SKU. In license templates, this description includes the publisher, product name, version, license type, and language. This description is used as the license name if a license is automatically created for a PO line item containing this SKU.

Language code (Optional)
A code that identifies the language relevant to the product represented by the SKU. In general, publishers use two-character ISO codes (such as EN for English). In addition to the standard codes for languages, there are two special codes widely used:
  • NULL — Language details not available
  • X — Unknown.
License type The software license type that defines how the software related to the SKU can be used, which determines what properties are available for the license, and how compliance is calculated for the license. For example Device license, User license, Enterprise license and so on.
Product The basic name of the software product, excluding the publisher and references to versions or editions.

Product names are supplied by the Application Recognition Library and are not editable. New product names created within your enterprise are editable in the General tab of the application properties.

Product metric The metric used to calculate license consumption. The metric differs depending on the type of product. Product Metric values can be Guest, socket, User, Device, CPU and so on. For example, for an Adobe Acrobat Standard Device license, the metric used in calculating license consumption is the number of devices available to run the license product on each device. Therefore the Product Metric column shows Device.

The name of the company that publishes the software related to this SKU.

Purchase program

The publisher’s purchasing agreement or purchasing levels under which this SKU is available. In the absence of a purchasing program, this field may give other details about the software purchase, such as whether it was an off-the-shelf retail purchase (or Fully Packaged Product, as Microsoft terms it), or supplied as an OEM license delivered with hardware, and so on.

Purchase program name (Optional)

The purchasing program name of the software publisher responsible for development and distribution of the purchased software product.

Purchase type
The nature of the item purchased under this SKU. This purchase type is quite distinct from the purchase Purchase type in the properties of the purchase itself. Furthermore, if at the time of purchase processing (when the purchase that identifies the SKU is linked to a license), this SKU Purchase type is given priority over the purchase type in the purchase properties. The values available are:
  • Full version for a stand-alone software license that is not an upgrade
  • Upgrade for a purchased upgrade to a software product for which you already hold a license
  • Maintenance for purchases of support, usually for a specified period
  • Media for purchases of disks, documentation, and the like to support software licenses that you own (or are acquiring at the same time as the media)
  • Subscription for time-limited licenses that can be renewed by regular payments (this type applies for both the initial subscription and also for subsequent renewals).

The stock keeping unit number or code.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
